can you make particles spawn on top of all actors?
how can you control where particles spawn? I think they are spawning on top of the actor they're set to, but, i need to spawn on top of all the actors, as i have multiple ones in the same place?
I have a beam, hit a ship, i can't spawn the particles on the ship, or they will appear under the beam, i need them to spawn on top of the beam.
I tried to put the Emitter Offset to:
x = beamStartX+((badguyX-beamStartX)/2)
y = beamStartY+((badguyY-beamStartY)/2)
which would be where the beam hits the badguy(I think) but that doesn't do anything. The idea was to have the beam spawn the particles, so they would show up on top of the beam.
But I don't know how to do that.
Any ideas?
I have a beam, hit a ship, i can't spawn the particles on the ship, or they will appear under the beam, i need them to spawn on top of the beam.
I tried to put the Emitter Offset to:
x = beamStartX+((badguyX-beamStartX)/2)
y = beamStartY+((badguyY-beamStartY)/2)
which would be where the beam hits the badguy(I think) but that doesn't do anything. The idea was to have the beam spawn the particles, so they would show up on top of the beam.
But I don't know how to do that.
Any ideas?
In the Spawn Actor Behavior you'll see a dropdown menu next to "Layer Order". Select "front of layer" and you're done. :-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Hope that's sorted it for you.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
And following that, i have multiple badguys, if they're separately all shot with a laser, how do I make sure that all those actors have the particles spawn on top of them individually, over the laser's layer?
More than likely you will have only one, called Background. Open that, and there you'll see all of your actors. The order of the actors is the "depth" of layers, so the last one will be at the bottom, the top one, you've guessed it ;-) on the top.
So find your particles actor, and drag it to the top of that Layer folder. (you can reorder any actor this way, or even drag them to another folder you make, or even delete them from the scene if required).
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
But I need the beam to overlap the ship, and the particle to overlap the beam. But I can't get the particle to spawn from the beam lol.