Is pro worth the money?
Im just about to upgrade to pro (when they release the next update.)
So to all the people that are allready pro members did you get agood return on the investment?
As im thinking the best way to maybe make some money without the luck of N&N and a touchacarde review. Is to make a lite version and if its good and people like it they will buy it.
And you need the pro version to get the in app link.
Has anyone had any luck doing this?
Many thanks
Im just about to upgrade to pro (when they release the next update.)
So to all the people that are allready pro members did you get agood return on the investment?
As im thinking the best way to maybe make some money without the luck of N&N and a touchacarde review. Is to make a lite version and if its good and people like it they will buy it.
And you need the pro version to get the in app link.
Has anyone had any luck doing this?
Many thanks
but pro can give you more $$$
my email:
my skype: calvin9403
Pro is only worth it if you need the features it has. You don't need any of the features to produce a hit. Although some of them would help
The only thing really worth getting pro for is removal of the splash screen, but even then that's not worth $500. I broke my rule with GameSalad and I'm kind of regretting it now. You don't ever buy software that is only promising the features you want, and you shouldn't ever pay for Beta software.
Essentially I paid for the Pro version to get rid of the splash screen and I've only made a fraction of that back.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
It's a good question!
We should all know by now that it's not the tool, it's the developer behind the tool. That's just a fact, and anyone that doesn't 'get' that is looking to blame anything but themselves for any perceived failure.
There's also a massive element of luck. So many apps get released, that success is far from guaranteed.
So really, it's down to you, as you suggest. The Pro features are not holding anyone back who doesn't have them from making a good game.
Can I/Do I make fun games? Can I/Do I make games that sell?
People have proven you can do both those things with GS. So really, it's down to the individual and not the tool itself!
For me, personally, the 'own splash screen' was the single most important thing for me as I'm trying to forge an independent identity. And GameCenter is lovely too, of course!
Hope that helps people!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I am worth it Lol
Maybe it's Maybelline!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'm going pro soon.
I have found some funding and perhaps a payed project! Lucky me.
Now I hope I don't scare them of with the price.
Anyway I am guessing Pro is worth it. Game Center and the custom splash alone gives a more professional look.
My 2 cents (for what they are worth nowadays
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