graphics not so bright on Game Salad Viewer on iphone, in reality?
I tested my app with Game Salad Viewer 0.9.6 on iphone 4
It's great to be able to test on the actual device. I found a number of issues I need to change in my game before release. But graphics look great on Game Salad on my MacBook Air. They also look great in the simulator. But on Game Salad Viewer on the iphone the app's graphics appear significantly darker. Will this be how the app really looks when it is downloaded onto people's iphones? Or is the simulator a better example?
It's great to be able to test on the actual device. I found a number of issues I need to change in my game before release. But graphics look great on Game Salad on my MacBook Air. They also look great in the simulator. But on Game Salad Viewer on the iphone the app's graphics appear significantly darker. Will this be how the app really looks when it is downloaded onto people's iphones? Or is the simulator a better example?
Based on what I've seen, GameSalad Viewer plays the game almost exactly like the finished build. The brightness on your device is probably lower than your monitor's.