GameSalad London Users- Safety Check In Here
In light of the recent unrest and riots in London, we would like to officially reach out to our UK GameSalad users and offer this forum space to check in.
Please confirm your safety and reach out to other London community members here. You are in our thoughts and we wish you safety during this time of unrest.
See a google map of riot locations here:,-0.056305&spn=0.39294,0.630341&z=10&source=embed
Please confirm your safety and reach out to other London community members here. You are in our thoughts and we wish you safety during this time of unrest.
See a google map of riot locations here:,-0.056305&spn=0.39294,0.630341&z=10&source=embed
On a serious note, the stuff going on makes this sheepy very sad, and quietly angry.
Still, safe here for now!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Sheepy ... I hear wool is very desirable, you stay inside now!
Tomorrow I need to get ciggies and tea, though. Otherwise I may end up going a bit "batman"
Hope everyone's ok,
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Ciggies will prove to be the problem then!
Wake up, get out in the day in disguise, stock up on ciggies like its duty free, lock yourself in your basement or nearest to it, power on your mac ... make games and stay safe!
- Alex
...I .. I mean..this is stormy checkin in.
Its all really damn annoying. What is essentially a tiny no. of individuals can cause so much uproar and press coverage. Its gonna have so many knock on effects, tourism being one of UK's biggest incomes will surely suffer. The olympics is going to be tainted next year with lots of 'will there be riots' news coverage.
I heard an audio clip on the BBC news website today with two girls at 9.30 this morning drinking some cheap wine and laughing about how much fun it was breaking into places and stealing stuff saying it was them "showing the police what they think"...and then saying it was them "showing the rich people its there fault" and then saying "its the fault of the Conservatives or who ever they are"... it seriously pissed me off that proper stupid (actually dumb stupid) individuals can do this crap.
I'm all for protesting (marching with banners) for a cause... but rioting, burning and stealing... there is no political agenda they are trying to influence, its just a case of stupid people finding fun in rioting and being driven by greed to steal stuff. We all live in a greedy world...sure I want a iPad 2, and a nicer car and a smaller mortgage with a bigger house but.... etc etc.
This mixed with the stock markets sinking does have a certain 'Armageddon' feel to it.
* the map showing the riots needs updating...theres been some big ones in Manchester too as well now...oh wait theres a link on that page to another updated map on the guardian.
Oh and yeah...I'm fine here...30 mins out of London... there was some rumour of shops closing up early in my town "just in case" but thats it.
There is a lot that's happened tonight that hasn't been broadcast on the news at all...
Like Jon (stormy) I'm about 30 miles outside of London; although Woolwich and Eltham aren't too far...
Despicable what those brain-dead sewer rats have been doing. They've tripled the number of police tonight in London; why that couldn't have happened yesterday evening, I've no idea.
No use ranting on; every decent person is infuriated/angry, I'm certain.
Keep safe, everyone.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Stay Safe, Weswog
Saw a couple of arrests right opposite my house - but I can't imagine being in the middle of it all. I've been thinking less about game design and more about exit/choke points in the house.
Not fun.
Still, as long as I have ciggies and tea, I'll be fine
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I hope things get better soon.
May goodfortune spread like avian anger to you all.
It is mental though, even Manchester and all that is going crazy now.
The riots are appalling and to be honest it makes one quite ashamed to be a Brit. But 99.9% of us are safe.
And the UK is a VERY safe place to visit.... don't let the media put you off....
I quite like that a few communities have taken their own action to chase off the looters.I don't live near a shopping center so theer won't be any trouble here. But if there were a bunch of idiots smashing up your local street...
Also quite like the no nonsense attitude from the PM. Just so long as they do their best to address alll the underlying problems that lead to a situation where this can happen.
/washes blood off his wool
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
• Lack of guidance at home and possibly / probably from a broken home
• Idealising gang culture
• Zero morals
• Poor schooling and lack of discipline from the teachers
• Very little job prospects
• A police service not a police force
• The list goes on.
These are my thoughts and others may disagree but most of all they are using technology for their own means and doing it because they can.