Best iphone App/Game promo video ever! -Created by AfterFX Guru Andrew Kramer
This is a seriously cool promo video for a new app from After effects tutorial site Video CoPilot.
Made by the Video CoPilot team and Andrew Kramer. (They also did the titles for new movie 'Super 8',Credit sequence for the latest Start Trek movie and the opening titles of Fringe).
The whole video is very cool and full of Special FX the bit I like the most (apart from the obvious cleavage shots) is the last 30 seconds, as its more classic iphone game promo but done superbly well.
Check it out and post your thoughts.
Made by the Video CoPilot team and Andrew Kramer. (They also did the titles for new movie 'Super 8',Credit sequence for the latest Start Trek movie and the opening titles of Fringe).
The whole video is very cool and full of Special FX the bit I like the most (apart from the obvious cleavage shots) is the last 30 seconds, as its more classic iphone game promo but done superbly well.
Check it out and post your thoughts.
I've been learning after effects lately and it is incredible to see what can be done.