Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I will be closing the thread for submissions on Wednesday. If you haven't submitted your game yet- be sure to do so in the next couple of days. Or you can always wait to submit again for App of the Month October.
This is the first I have heard of this and I would love to participate. I just released my game Kamikaze Racer in August for the iphone, and I tried to release to gamesalad arcade but I'm having problems with some sounds so I had to take out the vehicle sounds until I can figure it out. For this reason I prefer not to direct people to the Lite version in the arcade yet as there are no vehicle sounds but here's the link to the full version in the app store. Thanks for having such a great event and giving us a chance to get our games out there!
Thanks for all your submissions! I am going to close the thread for submissions now. I will be announcing (via blog/Facebook/Twitter) the GameSalad App of the Month for September during the first week of September.
Submissions for App of the Month October will open again with a sticky forum thread in mid September.
Thanks again guys! We look forward to showcasing your amazing talent!
We are pleased to announce the GameSalad September App of the Month, Roping Robs!
Developed by the developer team of wehaveapp.com, Roping Rob is a fun and challenging hook- throwing platform game.
Anselm Wagner and Robin Herrmann are the German developers of wehaveapp.com. They first learned about GameSalad through their professor, Thomas Wagner (none other than GameSalad’s Gamesmold) in their “App Design” class at the University of Applied Sciences at Kaiserslautern. Both Wagner and Herrmann have a deep love for games. Super Mario on the Gameboy Classic was the first game they remember playing and it’s gameplay and design laid the foundation for their future interest in the Digital Arts.
Thanks for all your submissions so far!
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I will be closing the thread for submissions on Wednesday. If you haven't submitted your game yet- be sure to do so in the next couple of days. Or you can always wait to submit again for App of the Month October.
Additional info - http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=30454
I am going to close the thread for submissions now.
I will be announcing (via blog/Facebook/Twitter) the GameSalad App of the Month for September during the first week of September.
Submissions for App of the Month October will open again with a sticky forum thread in mid September.
Thanks again guys! We look forward to showcasing your amazing talent!
Developed by the developer team of wehaveapp.com, Roping Rob is a fun and challenging hook- throwing platform game.
Anselm Wagner and Robin Herrmann are the German developers of wehaveapp.com. They first learned about GameSalad through their professor, Thomas Wagner (none other than GameSalad’s Gamesmold) in their “App Design” class at the University of Applied Sciences at Kaiserslautern. Both Wagner and Herrmann have a deep love for games. Super Mario on the Gameboy Classic was the first game they remember playing and it’s gameplay and design laid the foundation for their future interest in the Digital Arts.
To read more about Roping Robs and the developer team behind this great app, visit the GameSalad blog here:
Also- stay tuned! I will open a new thread for October App of the Month submissions on Friday.
Best of luck and congrats again to wehaveapp.com!
thank you very much for choosing our App as App of the month. We really appreciate it. And thank you for writing this nice article
@beefy_clyro: Thanks mate