Building on the GS Community

HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
This one's for the GS web dev team.

So I'm guessing you're working on a lot of stuff at the moment. I'm not sure what GS's plans are - what it wants to be. But here are my thoughts on how it could improve.

GS is very lucky in that it has a strong community. So it makes sense to build on that and give members more ways to interact and share their projects/ideas.

So how about proper profile pages, perhaps something similar to youtube/facebook.

It could be a place where members can display their finished projects and also things they are working on. This could be images, audio files, itunes listings and html 5 stuff too. And then discussion threads so people can comment on games in progress etc.It could also display any market place items they have.

I'm thinking something like a mini website with tabs and customisation options for backgrounds/headers etc. Then it also doubles as a a 'home' for people's games. Which they'd probably show all their mates which would bring more traffic to GS. Especially for peeps who don't want to /know how to set up their own website - this could be good for them.

Perhaps to draw more traffic you could include facebook comment boxes on the profiles (maybe as an option as not eveyone has a facebook profile). Although I dunno if you want to have just GS branding on the site?

But it wouldn't make sense to try and compete with facebook/twitter so intergrating them might be more sensible. So members could tweet/facebook 'like' /email right from inside thier GS profile. Again - more visibility for GS. Like how you get a 'sent from my blackberry' on the bottom of emails.

The current internal messaging system is... well you know what it's like. So making a proper one with full functiionality that is easy to use will also help encourage interactivity between members.

Also, for some reason this site can't remember my login details and I have to keep typing them in.


  • JeffreyShimaneJeffreyShimane Member Posts: 372
    Really great ideas, HoneyTribe! I agree 100%.

    I would also like to add that the forums themselves are rather clunky and lacking in features that other forums have (like emoticons, more editing options, previewing posts, etc.). I also don't like how you have to go into a thread to access all the threads you have favorited (which also does not seem to be working since the forums got updated).

    While I think the new cookbook is a nice idea, I think the fact that it is separate from the forums is a bad thing. I think it'd work better if the cookbook was only filled with questions/answers that were first asked and answered on the forums and then maybe the sous chefs could moderate/tag questions and the best answers for the cookbook. You will get much more participation if it's part of the forums. I know I don't look in the cookbook for questions to answer but I will answer questions I see on the forums. Maybe that's just me but that's how I feel.

    The GS community is one of the strengths of GS. It should be cultivated and built upon as much as possible if GS is to continue to grow.

    - Jeff
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    HoneyTribeStudios said:
    So how about proper profile pages, perhaps something similar to youtube/facebook.

    This is why I think vBulletin makes sense. With the Blogging, Profile and Photo Album features, it encourages developers to show off their work with GameSalad. (It's also a good traffic boost for GameSalad, as every app needs a link. So some developers might naturally link to this website, via the iTunes Connect app listing. Developer blogs hosted by GameSalad is good marketing in general.) It's more work to administrate, and the demand on server resources would be somewhat higher, but I think it's a good idea for the community.

    Additionally, WordPress could be replaced entirely, as vBulletin also has a CMS for blog/news posts. (Once again with Marketing, there's a mobile app for Android/iOS add-on which would also be great promotion for GameSalad.)

    Also... I don't think the Cookbook is a good idea. That should be part of an editorial process, and then moved into... heh... vBulletin.

    It's too bad GameSalad is against telecommuting. It seems that I would be a good consultant for a project like this.
  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447
    Hey, everyone.

    I've actually been exploring new forum software over the last several weeks and I'm now working on implementing the new system. It's probably going to take a few weeks to get everything set up properly, and I'll be doing some testing before actually pushing the transition to the live forums.

    I just wanted to let you all know and we've shared your concerns about the functionality of the forums and how our current system just doesn't support a community of this size or activity level.

    I'll have more info as I do more testing and playing around with some of the new software. My goal is get this all turned around in less than a month. Again, thanks for all the suggestions (not just on this thread, but over the course of the last year in countless threads and posts).

  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    Yodapollo said:
    Hey, everyone.

    I've actually been exploring new forum software over the last several weeks and I'm now working on implementing the new system. It's probably going to take a few weeks to get everything set up properly, and I'll be doing some testing before actually pushing the transition to the live forums.

    I just wanted to let you all know and we've shared your concerns about the functionality of the forums and how our current system just doesn't support a community of this size or activity level.

    I'll have more info as I do more testing and playing around with some of the new software. My goal is get this all turned around in less than a month. Again, thanks for all the suggestions (not just on this thread, but over the course of the last year in countless threads and posts).


    When you've got something running could you upload it somewhere so that members can have a look and offer feedback? I'm sure peeps would be happier if they felt they contributed to the new-look site. Then you'd prob get less complaints too!
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Yodapollo said:
    I've actually been exploring new forum software over the last several weeks and I'm now working on implementing the new system. It's probably going to take a few weeks to get everything set up properly, and I'll be doing some testing before actually pushing the transition to the live forums.

    Excellent news... what did you decide to go with... or is that a secret? :)
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  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    HoneyTribeStudios said:
    When you've got something running could you upload it somewhere so that members can have a look and offer feedback? I'm sure peeps would be happier if they felt they contributed to the new-look site. Then you'd prob get less complaints too!

    Great idea
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