how do i change which scene loads first?

part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I made my game in the first scene and now I've gone back and added some menus. I think they are all setup as they should and my original scene called "In-game" is now at the end of my scenes.. but when i click play it still loads up... i can't find any properties or options that would perhaps be a flag that makes one scene the "default" scene to load.. i've been looking for some time...

Also as a new and very excited GS fan, I feel like maybe i'm missing something. I've done forum searches but they rarely come up with specifics i'm looking for. is there some actual definitive instruction manual somewhere?

I feel like i'm using up my questions quota, but i really feel like there are no sources to find definite breakdowns of how everything works anywhere on this site.. video tutorials are cool, but tend to explain very specific features which don't really address my immediate concerns

Thanks again to anyone reading this and I really look forward to continuing to work in this environment! :)



  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    when you first open your project itll show all the scenes click and drag the scene you want to open first all the way to the left.

  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    Hi John, thanks for that confirmation.. however i have set the order .. there are 4 scenes now and its the last one.. regardless it always loads that one with the game stuff.. bypassing all of my menu screens (which simply contain "change scene" triggers)

  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    ok i figured it out... while i did do it in the right order.. i realize now that i had my change scene events without any rules so i guess it just ignored those scenes.. so thats awesome.. now to figure out how to do a fade to black between clicks..
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    glad you got it working. Yeah a change scene behavior in no rule will change the scene instantly.

    To have a fade to black do something like this.

    Have a attribute called fadeScene have it set to 0

    Make a actor, color black, and stretch it over the whole scene. Then change its alpha to 0

    Make a rule in that actor over the whole sceen when attribute fadeScene=1, interpolate self color alpha to 1 with a duration of 1

    then put a timer in that rule under the interpolate behavior, Have it after 1 second with run to completion checked, then a change scene behavior inside that timer.

    Then whenever you want to change the scene and fade it out change attribute fadeScene to 1

  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    Hi John,

    Hey that's awesome. I got the fade to work! :) thanks so much for explaining so clearly... that was awesome.
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