★★★ 110 Music & SFX Bundle - £15 ★★★

wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi everyone,
We're please to announce the release of our first SOUND and MUSIC pack.


Music & SFX Pack - £15
This pack includes over 110 quality SFX and theme tunes, written by Ben our genius Music and SFX Artist. All the sounds and tunes can be used in your games instantly. We've added a music player to our web site, so you can listen to ALL the tracks before you buy (requires Flash). Click the image above to go to our website and have a listen.

Heres a short list of whats in the bundle:

- 2DSideScrollerLoop.mp3
- FolkMarchLoop.mp3
- HiddenObjectLoop.mp3
- LastStandLoop.mp3
- RaceLoop.mp3
- WarpLoop.mp3

- Bite.mp3
- ChugChug.mp3
- DoorKnock.mp3
- Drill.mp3
- Fail.mp3
- FootstepLoop.mp3

- Beast1.mp3
- Beast2.mp3
- Blade.mp3
- BladeonBlade.mp3
- BloodHit.mp3
- Defeat.mp3
- FireBallThrow.mp3

- BDayBlower.mp3
- CashCollect 2.mp3
- CashCollect.mp3
- Collect.mp3
- Collect2.mp3
- Collect3.mp3
- Defeat.mp3

- CarHit.mp3
- CarHit2.mp3
- CaseShut.mp3
- Crowd.mp3
- Explosion2.mp3
- Explosion5.mp3
- Explosion7.mp3

- Alarm.mp3
- DroidFail.mp3
- DroidSucceed.mp3
- Error.mp3
- Explosion3.mp3
- Explosion4.mp3
- Explosion8.mp3

For the full list of sounds, and to hear a preview (requires Flash), goto our website today and have a listen.

We hope you enjoy the new Music & Sounds pack.

Darren & Wayne

Deep Blue Apps.com


  • VGXVGX Member Posts: 796
    Just bought this and there is definitely a great selection of sounds and effects. Well worth it!

    Big up Darren and Wayne for their work and deals
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Thanks....i will be using this myself,

    Ben is a class act and worked on Bumps, Red Balls of Goo and Running Wild.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Summer sale ending soon so grab them while there cheap.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    30% off this music pack until the end of October.

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