I appear to have stumbled upon a huge problem within my game. When i drag the actor over to another object it will not collide with it, the actor goes over it. Please help.
I think it maybe that the actor you are dragging, as it is constrained will override any collision behaviour within it. The actor it collides with may react but if the speed that you move the constrained actor take its within the second actor very quickly then it will not have a chance to react in a desired way.
To get around this I would have a rule that break the constrained actor away from the finger on collision or overlap with the second actor and if there are still problems then you could have the rules set to break the constrain based on the xy of the second actor plus/minus an area around it.
actor that i drag has basically a couple of collide behaviours (which dont seem to work), the drag rules and some other rules that apply to other things. The objects i want this to collide with have no rules in. Everything's placed in the scene. Trying to get one actor to collide into another actor while dragging it. hope this helps
Hi Suzy, I looked at this and also asked Darren about it. The conclusion is that is a real problem here as the constrained actor moves too fast to 'bump' a collision with the second actor. Unless someone else has sorted this, you could try making a 'force field' to push the second actor into acceleration away from the finger actor. This would be by referencing proximity of the finger actor to the second actor and when it came close, then fire a behaviour that used vector to angle of the finger actor to set the opposite direction. Alternatively Darren suggested using the joystick method of control.
thanks anyway ... at least you tried .... your help is most appreciated ... its nice to see that there are some well motivated and dedicated gamesalad users such as yourselves that are willing to help others with questions .... once again .. i cant thank you enough for your help. I will try the joystick method control. Thanks.
if you are using diferent layers, check that both actors you need to collide are in the same layer, use rigth click to move back,front the actors. Im not sure thats the problem, but check
To get around this I would have a rule that break the constrained actor away from the finger on collision or overlap with the second actor and if there are still problems then you could have the rules set to break the constrain based on the xy of the second actor plus/minus an area around it.
hope that helps
Lump Apps and My Assets
Trying to get one actor to collide into another actor while dragging it.
hope this helps
Sorry. kipper