Application Uploader

crapscraps Member Posts: 353
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I down loaded the App Uploader - zipped the GS game and get this error. Any help?

Directory Services reported the following error: Your Apple ID or password was entered incorrectly. (-20101)


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    it means you changed the password or somethign on your dev account becuase application loader is linked to it.

    So open application loader, so its file bar comes up at the top. Click window then run setup wizard. Then enter your dev account info correctly there and you should be good to go
  • crapscraps Member Posts: 353
    You are the man - thanks!
  • jtsurfriderjtsurfrider Member Posts: 6
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    RKS said:
    Don't bump old threads.
    This thread should be tied.
    Edit: craps, maybe you entered your username or password wrong, just a guess :)

    well we dont tell people not to bump old threads and close old threads just for the hell of it. We do it because the information no longer applies and is outdate. As we know gamesalad is always changing, with new bugs coming in old ones being squashed and more coming in. So even if someone has a bug thats in a old thread its most likely a different bug that there experiencing now. As well as work arounds for stuff that wasnt working before and is now behavior correctly so the work around no longer applies. Something like this thread the information is still correct and applies. So thats why it stays open. If apple changed the way application loader is managed or something like that, then this would be closed.

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