Basic collision help

clarkwgriswoldclarkwgriswold Member Posts: 3
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi all,

I'm an experienced game designer but am new to gamesalad. As I get better I'll try to help out on the forum as much as I can, but right now I'm a bit of a noob so can anyone help me with my problem?

I have a corridor with two collision walls either side. I have an actor spawning with movement in a random direction and random speed. What I need the actor to do when it hits the wall is:

1. Pause for a random amount of time.
2. Rebound at a random angle and speed.

I've got the actor colliding with the wall and rebounding, but not with the above attributes.



  • clarkwgriswoldclarkwgriswold Member Posts: 3

    Anyone got any ideas on this? I've just got back into gamesalad after doing a load of tutorials, but I'm still stuck on this one!
  • clarkwgriswoldclarkwgriswold Member Posts: 3
    So I'm halfway there.

    I have a new rule for when Actor receives event -> overlaps or collides (with the wall) -> Change Velocity to 0. Then, after a random timer finishes, set off again at random speed & direction. This works, but I don't know how to make the behaviour start again (without copying and pasting my behaviours in a massive list), so I guess my new question is how do you tell certain behaviours to loop?
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