Game flavors as a Marketing tool?

What i mean is to publish a game multiple times with different genres, graphics, sounds and maybe a bit changed gameplay. So instead of 1 game, you publish say 5 games.
This can be a viable market tool to target different key groups. For example i would play a SciFi style game, but would not play the same game with a fantasy look. If used right you should not be in competition with your other games, because you targeted your audience well enough so one group would not be interested in the other.
What is your experience with this kind of strategy?
This can be a viable market tool to target different key groups. For example i would play a SciFi style game, but would not play the same game with a fantasy look. If used right you should not be in competition with your other games, because you targeted your audience well enough so one group would not be interested in the other.
What is your experience with this kind of strategy?
maybe you are getting something wrong her. - one of the biggest players in the market is using exactly that strategy to get to different target groups. and i´m pretty sure you have heard of products like coke light, coke zero, vanilla coke, cherry coke. so relax, ok
as a side note: coca cola has 3500+ brands world wide!
interessting, thx, i will have a look at them
i´m not so sure about that. if it´s a good game, and the different genres make sense that it should be obvious why there are multiple versions.
oh, nice one! that´s kind of what i´m talking about. well "kind off". see "Zombie Drop" by the GS guys (i think) seems to be very close to "doodle destroy" in gameplay. But i would not have played "doodle destroy" because i don´t like the name or the optics. "zombie drop" on the other hand looks pretty cool, and i love zombie movies. that´s really interesting!
because people are different. not all people that like Starbucks also like McCafe - it´s both coffee, but it´s very different.
Look at this:
and than at this:
that are the same games with different genres and totally different target groups
by the way: imho gun bros is a very cool and addictive game, while men vs. machine sucks. the reason for this is that they changed the game play somewhat to the worse.
-- bump --
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
The problem with using the same style repeatedly is that it gets old. People don't like paying extra to play the same game over and over. By the way, the glu games are free. That is the only reason this strategy semi-works for them.
Don't publish the same game over and over again. uptimistik is right, the app store is full of a lot of crap. And if you use this strategy, you'll just get thrown into the pile.
Make new and unique games = (a chance at) success, but thats better than no chance at all.
But in your Glu games example, those are both sci-fi shooter games. A slight change of style isn't enough to justify a separate game in my opinion. There should be a really large change in style.
It should be like cherry coke and coke, not cherry coke and black cherry coke.