★★★ SALE: Zanda: The Linked Swords...RPG Template Only £14 ★★★

UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

30% Sale Now Only £14

The one you've all been waiting for has arrived so without further ado I would like to introduce our biggest and bestest (spelling mistake intentional) template so far....

Zanda: The Linked Swords


Intelligent text box using only 1 actor for unlimited conversations.

Multiple text dialog depending on game state.

New layer system so you can now walk in front and behind other actors.

Animation technique so you can have loads of animations without them overlapping and looking bad.

Keyboard input that's also a part of a puzzle.

New control system and 1 action button for talking, attacking and any other actions you add.

Save progress or start from scratch when you die.

Hearts, coins, sword and speedy boots to collect.

Intelligent monsters that turn to face you and will attack if you get too close.

High fps on older devices.

Lots of notes in the actors so you understand the logic.

Includes some music from our music pack available over at DBA.

Art by the one and only DayDream.

Only £20 for the 1st week (normal price £50) so buy now while it's on sale.

Darren & Wayne



  • IsabelleKIsabelleK Member, Sous Chef Posts: 2,807
    Congrats Darren, this template is amazing! If I ever want to make an RPG, I will buy it :)
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Really good work mate, im not in the making for an RPG yet so no purchase, but seriously good stuff. You know what im waiting for ;)
  • IsabelleKIsabelleK Member, Sous Chef Posts: 2,807
    beefy_clyro said:
    Really good work mate, im not in the making for an RPG yet so no purchase, but seriously good stuff. You know what im waiting for ;)

    What's that? ;)
  • App SurgeApp Surge Member Posts: 651
    Wow that template is great! Really cheap too! When I make an RPG, this will be an instant buy! Great job!
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    You guys have outdone yourselves! Amazing work!!
  • wayneh001wayneh001 Member Posts: 300
    Thanks everyone! This was a super fun and challenging project.

    Darren got a real 'bit between his teeth' on this one, and wanted every detail just so!

    Also, this template is not just for RPG games. It contains so many features that are applicable to other genres too. You also get the graphics and music in the template which were created by Chris the Artist and Ben our Music guy - 2 super talented guys that need a mention. :-)
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    Looking into the glass ball......... I see......

    a ZANDA GAME in the appstore in a couple days!

    Nice template, good job!
  • sdsmith64sdsmith64 Member Posts: 221
    great template! ....i was thinking maybe this can be used for a "Zork" type of game (text game)?

    "Your in a dark room, to the left is a lamp to the right is a door...."

    player types -- "get lamp"...

    "you have the lamp..."

    Darren, Wayne....could it be used for that?
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    I am assuming this is sized for the iPad...correct? Asking cause the last template I got it was iPhone and when I tried to convert it to iPad it broke everything :-(

    Let me know. Thanks! This template looks awesome!!!!!!!

  • DZTECHDZTECH Member, PRO Posts: 216
    it's for iPhone
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    @ sdsith64: I guess it could be used for a zork game...the way we did the text box is really nice using only 1 actor and of course it has a typed in puzzle (the princesses name) so yeah i dont see why not.

    @gregr209: This is iPhone but it would convert a lot easier as 99% of the actors dont have hard coded number values like if X=200 for eg so yes it would convert to iPad in a flash imo using our Resizer tool.

    Thanks for the kind words and support for this one guys.

  • richcoyrichcoy Member Posts: 211
    I don't need it yet, but purchased anyway. Great work. Every time I think I've seen the limits of GameSalad you prove me wrong.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Thanks Rich...i try my best to keep pushing GS...really happy with this one.

  • svnsvn Member Posts: 445
    Excuse me, Darren is it? I would kindly like to request from you.. oh forget it. WHAT is the secret of your intelligent text box?! I really need to know!! PLEASE! I'm begging you! On folded knees here!
  • deleted1deleted1 Member Posts: 19
    Awesome template, so many possibilities. Also, the artwork for this is great! Very clean and RPG like.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    juane said:
    Awesome template, so many possibilities. Also, the artwork for this is great! Very clean and RPG like.

    That's true, we've had mails from people with no interest in making an rpg but have purchased because they wanted to know how to do some of the features.

  • IsabelleKIsabelleK Member, Sous Chef Posts: 2,807
    I just thought that I will buy it, as well :)

    But I have two questions:
    1. Dialog box uses a bunch of dialog images, or text behavior?
    2. Apple is going to send money 1st of September, could you wait with the special price till this day? ;)
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    @TheMoonwalls...I used the text behavior for the text box (its only 1 actor with the text box graphic) but it's easy to do images instead although that would require more art of course.

    I would think the sale will last until after payday.

  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    Hey Darren! This looks really great! I was wondering how hard you think that it would be to extend this game into a full length game once we have purchased the template?

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    BlackbirdStudios said:
    Hey Darren! This looks really great! I was wondering how hard you think that it would be to extend this game into a full length game once we have purchased the template?


    Very easy, what you see in the video is included in the template.

  • CapCap Member Posts: 225
    This is a great template for sure. I'd love to see a tutorial for creating such great graphics. I wonder if this is vector art?!
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Thanks for the kind words, yes Chris uses vector art.

  • CapCap Member Posts: 225
    Maybe it's just me, but I think it would be awesome if someone like Chris would do some basic tutorials in this area (vector art for games). On the one hand it would be a great publicity for him, because surely some programmers would like to hire him for advanced stuff. On the other hand maybe some more people would like to buy GS templates when they see how they can personalize them by creating own art. At least I feel like creating art is sometimes more difficult than coding, so it would be great to have some help here.
    Well, once again, well done. As always!
  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    Cap, I am the mad artist doing the art for the Utopian games and templates. Thanks for the kind words but I neither need publicity nor more work. At the moment [after 20+ years of doing art for computer games] I am take some time off and just do the artwork for Darren [for the fun of it] and take some time off working for the big games and names and try to lead a more relaxed life focusing on oils and canvases instead.
    I like the idea of make some tutorials though... give me a few days to think about it... ;)

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Chris as always has been amazing to work with on this one.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Summer sale ending soon guys.

  • gameviccigamevicci Member, PRO Posts: 306

    another sad story of robbery? on the main italian site it's reviewed like the "zelda" for iPhone...
    Is it legal to do this? AWARD WINNING GAME OF 2011????

    Is it possible to signal this to apple?
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Yeah it's catch 22 with our templates as we want to make them look good but obviously don't want users just uploading as-is.

    We always hope that the users will add to and learn from the templates.

  • gameviccigamevicci Member, PRO Posts: 306
    I know Darren, and your templates are absolutely great!

    I was only signaling a bad user that not only publish the template as it is, but also creates a false description! I'm asking why apple permit this
  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    Sad... not only is he using this unchanged but also claiming it as an 'award winning game' - I hope apple takes it down asap... It's just adds to the bad vibe against Gamesalad games.
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