Need help!! Shooting game

OdenSoftwareOdenSoftware Member Posts: 34
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey every body i just started to use gamesalad and i really thinks its fun and soo but i just need some help from u guys.

I am doing a shooting game to iphone and i have some problems.
When i create the rule "spawn new actor" it starts shooting perfectely but only when i toutch the actor.
I wanna be able to toutch where ever i want on the screen to make it shoot.

But i still just want it to shoot straight ahead.

Thx people, and sry for my bad english!!! ;)


  • ZombiebrainsZombiebrains, PRO Posts: 296
    Hiya fiipes

    The easiest way i think is to create a actor called 'Touch' and stretch it across the whole screen....a good idea is to make sure its the last graphic in your layer list.

    Then create a RULE within that actor - when 'Touch' is touched then spawn new actor

    Give that a try...

    I'm only a newbie myself and I expect someone will post a better way but that would work!

    It takes a Zombie to know a Zombie!!!

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    mouse is down activates the rule where ever you touch (inside or outside the actor) and it does work on touch devices with no mouse.
  • OdenSoftwareOdenSoftware Member Posts: 34
    Thanks for the tips but i have already tried that but my actor is moving so how do i make the shooting come from the actor thats moving ? :)
  • OdenSoftwareOdenSoftware Member Posts: 34
    ok i will try this thx scitunes
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