What would be a good % to pay an artist?
I am right now in the middle of a deal...
I decided to hire an artist to create the art for my next game and he is willing to accept a % of sales. What would be a nice fair % for a very good artist?
I decided to hire an artist to create the art for my next game and he is willing to accept a % of sales. What would be a nice fair % for a very good artist?
20% music
50% you
This is after the 30% apple takes.
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Don´t forget to add in all the costs that have to be paid and make sure you tell the artist he gets % of the sum that is left after everything is paid, not the sum that you get from the sales. otherwise you end up paying all the production while he takes all the winnings. this is important when it comes to a legal fight.
also get very clear on the copyrights and ownership of the art produced. that you pay him for his work does NOT mean that you own what he has produced, unless that has been made clear in the contract.
plus a non-disclosure agreement on the project you are working on
p.s.: i worked with a coder once who was very sure that his code is his idea and he can sell it in any future project. that is the last you want to happen