GS Team Please reply Otherwise I have to move forward to other engines
I know 2 thread allready closed beacuse of loading time and ram usage issue. My question is who is resposible for given right anwnser of my questions? I am not talking about sous chef. But I am directly asking to GS Team. My game graphics,planing and coding are allmost ready. And I dont like to submit game in appstore only beacuse this annoying loading time and ram usage.
I just want to know in near future( 1-2 months ) is there any chance to remove loading time completly? ( complety means on click we can move to unother scene ) If yes I will be here otherwise I have to find other option. Beacuse inapp purchase and other features are less important then this loading and ram usage issue.
GS Team Please reply
I just want to know in near future( 1-2 months ) is there any chance to remove loading time completly? ( complety means on click we can move to unother scene ) If yes I will be here otherwise I have to find other option. Beacuse inapp purchase and other features are less important then this loading and ram usage issue.
GS Team Please reply
This discussion has been closed.
GS Team Please reply
I am managing everything And I know this inapp purchase are useless what important is finishing of your game. And with this loading and ram usage its create issues.
I need proper response from GS Team. I am ready to pay $2000 for pro version. But its matter about game quality.