aether/they need to be fed style gravity
Hi! I'm a newbie with GS and i'm trying to make a game similar to Aether or They Need to be Fed, where there's no downward gravity but several planets each one with their own gravity, and the character can jump from one to another. I managed how to make the gravity of a planet (just accelerate towards the center of the planet), but my problem is that sometimes after a jump the character rotates upside-down and so he can't jump anymore (i'm simply using move to up) cause he is jumping towards the planet itself. I need something to constrain the character's rotation angle always facing off the planet. Anyone can help me?
Interaction designer, blogger, game developer, sometimes tech enthusiast and sometimes tech pessimist. World champion of tsundoku. @damianogui
Type Mr.Ninja in the search bar in the gamesalad creator under the new tab where all the templates are. I think that might help you out.
My project is very similar to what demyguy was looking for...
I need to create many planets, everyone with its own gravity... Another game which feature this besides Aether and They Need To Be Fed is Mighty Milky Way (made by WayForward for the Nintendo DSiWare platform)and of course Super Mario Galaxy, but this is not the case as it is a 3D platformer......
I tried to search Mr. Ninja in gamesalad creator (as suggested by ironDan) but nothing appears...
I really need a help cause I'm not able to create this all by myself...!
Thank you