Ok, I have a pause button, when the pause button is pressed it takes you to a pause scene. When you click unpause nothing happens. I do not know what the problem is
Set a timer to unpause in the pause scene just to see if it works, otherwise if you not doing anything in the pause scene itself, change the rule to the default mouse click instead of touch, that way anywhere you click on the screen should trigger it.
Not sure how your doing this or why an invisible actor would be used. (unless your just talking as a button with 0 opacity - thats fine but NOT the visible check box)
You click your pause button using the pause attribute that takes you to your Pause scene.
Then you have a button or a whole background on your pause scene - you then have a rule set up on that Button or background that when touched to use unpause Attribute.
Does this sound correct?
You have no other attribute or rules running on the pause scene do you?
Yes that is correct, The background is one image and then i made invisible touch actors to go over the buttons. I have a home button invisible actor, a level select invisible actor, and the invisible unpause actor. These all go over the original buttons which is all one image, If that makes sense? Thanks by the way for helping me
Yes sounds like you re doing things correclty Just make sure all your other buttons rules are set to touch not mouse(mouse is the default) as touch affects the single button and mouse would override things as a single touch. So if one of your buttons besides un-pause was set to mouse click it would not allow the pause one to work. Only thing I can think of - anyone else?
You click your pause button using the pause attribute that takes you to your Pause scene.
Then you have a button or a whole background on your pause scene - you then have a rule set up on that Button or background that when touched to use unpause Attribute.
Does this sound correct?
You have no other attribute or rules running on the pause scene do you?
Thanks by the way for helping me
Yes sounds like you re doing things correclty Just make sure all your other buttons rules are set to touch not mouse(mouse is the default) as touch affects the single button and mouse would override things as a single touch. So if one of your buttons besides un-pause was set to mouse click it would not allow the pause one to work. Only thing I can think of - anyone else?
any more suggestions? Thanks
unpause might be working but actually then the rule on the pause button is causing it to pause again.
just an idea