So how many made 6 figures or more....

Hey guy, I'm not trying to be sarcastic nor ignorant, but I'm still new to this "make your own game" phenomenon. I know all of you love making games and have a creative side, but the reality is most of us will fail.
One extreme is spending months making a game and not happens, the other extreme is making a game and it's a hit or semi hit.
My question is pretty blunt, has anyone made 6 figures from making a game via Gamesalad?
What about million? (I doubt it but you never know).
One extreme is spending months making a game and not happens, the other extreme is making a game and it's a hit or semi hit.
My question is pretty blunt, has anyone made 6 figures from making a game via Gamesalad?
What about million? (I doubt it but you never know).
Lump Apps and My Assets
I think you should compare your game with other indie successful game like Tiny Wings, and see what is difference between yours and it.
so I think the first thing of all is : Make a unique game ( it depends of MANY things, it is not simple )
second : only send promocode to Toucharcade , and if toucharcade will love your game, world will love it. ( even some more reviewer will help , but most important reviewer is Toucharcade )
third: when toucharcade like your game , many ppl come and buy your game a lot.
( I dont remember Andreas Illiger (maker of tiny wings) advertised for his game, do you ? )
I think it must be the reason of successful game Tiny Wings. Am I right ?
I make about $4-5 a day but I'm doing what I love so in my opinion I've already succeeded. The game industry is just as competitive as the music and film industry and unless your dedicated, willing to take risks and take the time to develop an extraordinary game that sets you apart you'll never make a six figure income from this. This isn't a gold mine and it's definitely not a way to get rich quick. If thats what your after then you would have better luck becoming a doctor or lawyer.
He did part 1 ( making unique game ) very well , I wonder what is the second part !? Marketing ! and I wonder how he advertised for his game, and I dont remember he did it. if he didnt so maybe only a unique game will do all parts of successful game, even marketing.
(sorry if my english is bad)
Not that I do not hope for success and it sure is possible. I think even easier then being a musician because of the fact that the whole world is "listening".
I've been a musician for almost my whole life and the hard part of that is having to deal with other musicians.
On the other hand being a lawyer or a doctor takes ages of studying and not making any money. If I spend that time in making better games and learning how the market works I am pretty convident that the sky is the limit.
Lump Apps and My Assets
I was just curious if someone made alot of money yet (6 figures).
Lump Apps and My Assets
But I would be fooling myself if it isn't a factor.
I just want to hear success stories. I guess no one here made 6 figures.
you want to know why or something else ?
Anyways Tshirtbooths Zombie drop made to No 3 in US store and the Epig franchise as well. ask them. There is another guy i ve forgotten but i can check and tell you. No one in the app store gives a !@#$% about whether your game was made in Xcode, GS, cocos or whatever...Very few iphone buyers and gamers are capable of making games. Although it is said but remember every one cant make a game from GS. For an average person it is damn complicated...
and for a while it was making around $400 a month from iAds...
other than that I've only made a couple k over a year and a half...
One day day the big money will come my way...just need to get all the stars aligned, the perfect game made and my marketing just right...
Other than a 20$ press release, I have not spent any money to market it.
My two other GameSalad games, Danger Cats! and Stunt Squirrels!, have had a little over 40,000 paid downloads between the two of them.
GameSalad is more than capable of powering hits in the App Store!
That being said, I have been doing this for about 20 years now. As an independent developer, it definitely requires a lot of dedication and a love for creating games and making people happy. The money has to be last on the list or it usually won't work. You will quickly burn out and become discouraged.
Also Zain. there is some unknown unnamed Entertainment app that was created for a client by a GameSalad user who cannot speak of the app due to NDA. That Last I heard had pulled in like 3.5 Million. And no i'm not just making up a bunch of BS there was a news story about GameSalad Months ago that stated that information.
Another favorite quote of mine is from Quantum Sheep. "Its not the SDK used to make the game, Its the person using the SDK." That may be closer to a paraphrase but you get the idea.
Develop first and foremost for the love of the craft. But keep a swagger about you that you really are/can make something great. The mixture of fun and confidence is what will give you thAT BIG HIT SOMEDAY
Also toucharcade is not the end all be all in regards to marketing. I'm sure a game being "liked" by them will help in sales but it's not make or break with getting reviewed by them. The majority of people who buy games in the app store probably don't even know what Toucharcade is. I like some parts of their site and the staff that I know of but don't place too high of an importance on having your game featured on there.
In regards to Tiny Wings. He also has a trailer on YouTube with million views. I'm sure that had to help getting the word out and of course being in the top 25 is a big plus. Also the game is simple but is great and easy to start playing
Website ∞ Twitter ∞ My apps are available on: Apple iOS App Store ∞ Google Play App Store ∞ Amazon App Store
Al my games have more than 760.000 Downloads.
ePig Dash was top 1 in 16 countries, My success has been covered by EVERY local media here in chile + some online websites from other countries. ePig Dash got more than 400.000 downloads the first 2 weeks. (It was Free, but even free it is not easy to get those downloads)
ePig surf was New and Noteworthy the First day of release.
I have 7 ePig Games (5 real games, and 2 mini apps).
But, In terms of money, I have made only 10k of Revenue Since October 2010.
In terms of money, thats not good at ALL for me, I work also with a Graphic designer, And I have a high opportunity cost, because I have a lot of studies, And I have made 8k a month working on my other stuff I do.
But, I see here a potential that is amazing, MY next game, I think would be a real Hit (I already have al Lot of App Store Experience) (FINALLY it should have In App Purchase, and I Really need that), but the most important, I really love to "Code" and make games.
Just my 2 cents.
Btw, Form what I know about Tiny Wings, he didn't spent on any marketing, and he didn't contact TouchArcade or any other site.
You said that you are a musician. Could you compose some music for me for one of my games?
That project didn't fail. I just spent six months learning what not to do. HA HA!
That's great material for the textbook.
Photics is not publicly traded, so I don't disclose sales figures. What I will state is this — A childhood dream is close to becoming a reality. Since I was little, I wanted to run my own arcade. That dream has since been modernized to an online arcade. I'm working towards building the next PopCap or Miniclip. I could build the Photics Arcade with GameSalad —— if HTML 5 exporting is added. If not, I have contingency plans. Rival software is catching up. This is a great time to be an independent game developer. It's not easy and success is not guaranteed — but I don't see that as a reason for me to quit.
Have no time for anything but my work and my apps at this moment... so I'm sorry but I have to say no.
Thanks for the offer though
Lump Apps and My Assets