Well Kill the King is a hit... with deh haCkers
33 pages of comments. I guess this is karma for all the years of illegally downloading music
33 pages of comments. I guess this is karma for all the years of illegally downloading music

Seriously, don't worry about it. These aren't really 'lost sales'.
And anyway, I thought that jailbroken iPhones could only run OS2 - 3 upwards was a no-no, wasnt it?
If so, they probably wouldn't be able to play your game anyway...
Someone correct me if I'm wrong!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
True about the karma thing... at least you own up to that instead of wining about hackers
The amount of time a band can put into just one song can be days and days and then consider how many people have thousands of DL'ed songs.
My first iphone was actually hijacked because i had t-mobile.
AT&T and apple should thank the hackers because it was just enough to make me go down to the att store two days later and sign up for non hacked service... then after that my wife wanted one too
Luckily i got the phones from the job i had at the time but still, that was two two year contracts referred by hackers lol