What to tweak to make background black and white...

GugsGamesGugsGames Member Posts: 54
I have a colour background that I want to initially be black and white (it becomes colour later). What are the RGB numbers it needs to be at to drain it of all colour?

Or is there some other value in the colour settings I need to tweak?



  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    Is it a solid background? Or is it a picture background?
  • GugsGamesGugsGames Member Posts: 54
    It's a picture background.
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    Ok, I believe there are not any attributes that would do that, I think the easiest way to do that would be to make a black and white version of the background, import it into GS, set it as the main image, then when you want it to change to color, do a change attribute self.image to yourcolorimage.png . Does this help?
  • GugsGamesGugsGames Member Posts: 54
    Thanks for the reply.

    Hmm. I don't know if that would work, because what I actually wanted to do is have the image change from black and white to colour as you achieve certain objectives in the level.

    Specifically, I have several objects to get from point A to point B. Every time one of them reaches point B, the black and white background becomes slightly more colourful. Until it is full colour. At least, that was my intention.

    Unless I go down the route of having the black and white image change to colour once all the objects have reached point B rather than bit by bit. Then I wouldn't have to do it in increments. But still, would I be able to get it to transition nicely from the black and white image to the colour one? I would prefer it to blend in rather than suddenly switch.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    That can be done by having 2 backgrounds. One is B&W the other in Color.
    Say the one in the Back is B&W, this one should have alpha=1
    On top of that, and on the same position you put the color version, this one has alpha is 0 at the scene's start. Now every time you pick up an object have the color background change alpha to alpha + 0.1 (for example). This will make it color in 10 steps.

    Let me know if you have any question.

  • GugsGamesGugsGames Member Posts: 54
    Ahh, that sounds promising. I'm going to give that a try and see if it works. I will let you know. Many thanks for the tip!
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    Sorry my post wasn't as helpful, but now we both know how to do it... :)
  • GugsGamesGugsGames Member Posts: 54
    No worries, thanks for trying to assist, it's appreciated!
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Yeah that should work, I've done it before.
  • GugsGamesGugsGames Member Posts: 54
    Ok. I just tried it and it worked exactly as I needed it to.

    Many thanks!!!
  • GugsGamesGugsGames Member Posts: 54
    Having said that... the only slight issue I'd like to clear up if it's possible is that during the 10 steps where it changes from black and white to colour, I'd like the changes to blend together rather than you being able to see each incremental change as separate occurrences. Know what I mean? So it looks like it is smooth rather than jittery.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    This can be done by interpolating instead of changing the colored backgrounds alpha.
    But don't use alpha+0.1 because things will go south.

    From 0 to 0.1:
    Interpolate self.color.alpha to 0.1
    Duration 1 second.
    This looks awesome when you do this. I have tried it befor.
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Not sure how your actually initiating the change, but if your trying to do it over a set time, use interpolate attribute to set alpha to 0 over the time you choose. So it will gradually fade to 0 . ( if that's what your after.
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