why do you think customers complaint alot with bad graphics?
i have see alot of bad reviews where they say graphics are so bad, horrible, and when i see those graphics they are really good, so much better than mine, then in the other hand i see hand drawing or the famous doodle game and i see they say that graphics are so nice,cute bla bla bla, i showed the doddle jump graphics to my brother and he say they look like !@#$% lol so who is right?
Then again, people will have their own opinion. The general public might love the game, but game developers (like people here on the forums) might be more critical because we know how much work it takes to create a game that might not sell well.
A good selling game = something that people will buy, for whatever reason that may be.
So to answer your question: No one is "right." Everyone has their own opinions, and everyone is going to be a critic.
Graphics are a HUGE part of the gaming experience. If you don't have access to good graphics or the ability to create them yourself, then you're going to have a tough time selling your app.
People really do judge books by their covers.
Don't let that stop you.
If you have a great idea for a game and are on the track to build it... find some art school kid that wants a portfolio piece and have him handle the graphics for you. Some of these dudes will do it for free or for a very low rate.
It's worth it.
Look at the most successful games. Are the graphics sub-par? Or are they good/great/fantastic?
I have a pretty big bias here as I am an artist myself... but I can't help look at the great art vs success ratio and realize that the best selling games also have great art.