GS 8.2 Play sound problem! Why? PLEASE HELPPPP
Ok in my game when actor take a object , play a sound effect...
until version 7 GS all works...with version 8.2 play sound effect not work ... how to solve?
Thanks Venon
until version 7 GS all works...with version 8.2 play sound effect not work ... how to solve?
Thanks Venon
thankss, now play effect starts, but in my game the actor after destroy must reappear....
i insert this rule:
When self.destroyMe = TRUE
Destroy Actor
"AFTER" 1sec change attribute:self.destroyMe=false
does not work!
helppppp helpppp
In some of my actors, the sound didn't work, so I delayed the "destroy" behavior by doing this:
When actor collides with enemy:
Play sound: zap
Timer: after 0.2 seconds
Destroy this actor
Worked like a charm for me
I don't think there is a resuscitate behavior.
you had to be logical didn't you?
ok i insert this rule:
actor collide with tag xxx
Play sound: zap
Timer: after 0.2 seconds
Destroy this actor
Now Work!!
This is a New bug in GS 8.2?