NEWB ALERT! Why cant I change a simple visible atribute?

markfrancombemarkfrancombe Member Posts: 8
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I wish an actor to appear after 2 seconds: I did this...

As you can see I have a timer and after 2 seconds the attribute visible should become true. I set the actor attribute to start on false.

Im I missing something?


  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    As far as I know, you cannot change the graphic.visible attribute.

    Instead, you can change the actors color.alpha to make it visible/invisible.
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    yeah, the visible feature is like movable in that it can't be changed once it's already set. The purpose of it is for actors like controllers that don't need to be visible at all. It saves memory by not having to load a graphic at all for it.

    You should, as arton said, alter the alpha. Or even better place it out of the camera frame altogether and move it in after 2 seconds with a change attribute position. Up to you. You could fade it in with an interpolate on the alpha.
  • markfrancombemarkfrancombe Member Posts: 8
    Thanks Guys... brilliant.. PS: Is this the right place for my idiot questions? I feel a few more coming on? I DO check always for previous posts, but its rare I find what I need...

    Anyway, back to Trapping wasps.. Opps nearly gave away my game concept Ha ha..
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