Someone slap me...I'm addicted to loading time improvement...

StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
As the title says someone please slap me...

I seem to have spent the past weeks spare time not creating more game content or getting any nearer to completing my long slow game production. Instead I've become addicted to get loading times down from 9.6 to 4 seconds for one of the scenes.

I've been using my own 'Load Timer Timer' built into my game .

and been tracking the differences in load times as I remove different actors, rules or images to see how it affects the loading time. Testing in GS viewer after each change and noting down the loading time... its slow, boring work but I'm addicted to knocking off a couple more seconds by tweaking rules and deleting actors.

Should I carry on or just leave it and let the users have crappy loading times...?

Latest changes:
Got rid of the majority of the change image behaviours in place of 'Change Attribute' image name...this helps...but its not knocking off lots of time.

If I delete my whole game it loads really quickly...

*Edit: If you want to join me in my new addiction and track your loading times get 'Stormys time Machine' for free on my site,


  • OctappusOctappus Member Posts: 68
    stormystudio said:

    Should I carry on or just leave it and let the users have crappy loading times...?

    I am alcohol-fuelled at the moment (my wife's homemade schnapps is simply amazing) so most of the words in your post are fuzzy. I'll try and read them tomorrow.

    However, I think you should persevere with trying to reduce load times as I think this is a huge part of player enjoyment (or rather, long load times are a major part of player irritation).

    PS. Thank goodness for the red wriggly line on MacBooks, otherwise most of this reply would be unintelligible.

    PPS. I wonder if when I read this through my hangover-haze tomorrow it will all make sense.
  • zombieaddictzombieaddict Member Posts: 213
    I dont find loading times an issue to be honest. The problem is how often you actually have to load. If your loading times are 9 seconds long but a level took like 30 minutes to get through or something then i dont think its an issue.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    stormystudio said:
    Should I carry on or just leave it

    If you're using Indexed PNG files, then you might have pushed GameSalad as far as it can go.

    If you're not using Indexed PNG files... bah... you're not serious enough about optimization!

    With BOT, I worked really hard to improve the loading times. Reducing the size of the images helped a lot. Yet, I think loading the actors themselves was also an issue. With too many actors in the scene, the scene loaded slowly... even if the actors were just invisible and empty!
  • StuartYStuartY Member Posts: 134
    You're doing a point and click adventure game, right? As a player, what matters to me is the ratio between load time and gameplay. So if I have to bear four seconds of loading for an area that takes me an hour to solve, I thoroughly applaud you, and your addiction is rather pointless! If I need to wait four seconds every time I open my inventory... now that would really be annoying.
  • ValanValan Member, BASIC Posts: 410
    About 3.5 seconds are reserved for the gs loading anim, whether it is used or not.

    Such a waste!
  • gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
    Just found this on indexed PNG files
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Photics said:
    If you're using Indexed PNG files, then you might have pushed GameSalad as far as it can go.

    If you're not using Indexed PNG files... bah... you're not serious enough about optimization!

    With BOT, I worked really hard to improve the loading times. Reducing the size of the images helped a lot. Yet, I think loading the actors themselves was also an issue. With too many actors in the scene, the scene loaded slowly... even if the actors were just invisible and empty!

    Yet strangely when compiled by Xcode to an ios app all indexed files are converted back to 24bit + 8bit alpha.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Edit Removed all the overly offensive humorous images that are in no way offense to most normal human beings.

  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Rob2 said:
    Yet strangely when compiled by Xcode to an ios app all indexed files are converted back to 24bit + 8bit alpha.

    If that was in effect here, BOT would be a MUCH LARGER game.

    ...and Tenrdrmer, you're clearly not worthy to be a Sous Chef.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Photics said:
    If that was in effect here, BOT would be a MUCH LARGER game.

    ...and Tenrdrmer, you're clearly not worthy to be a Sous Chef.

    Sorry I forgot how Sensitive you where to general humor.

    The Title of the thread begins with "Someone slap me…."

    Maybe you missed that part….
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    Photics said:
    ...and Tenrdrmer, you're clearly not worthy to be a Sous Chef.

    Especially the top one... talk about a moderator
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    tenrdrmer said:
    Sorry I forgot how Sensitive you where to general humor.

    The Title of the thread begins with "Someone slap me…."

    Maybe you missed that part….

    You can't just edit Photic's post like that.

    It originally said...
    Photics said:
    ...and Tenrdrmer, you're clearly not worthy to be a Sous Chef.

    Stop taking advantage of your position.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    NextGen said:
    You can't just edit Photic's post like that.

    It originally said...

    Stop taking advantage of your position.

    Yeah way to go there ace. I didn't edit it. Mind your business. Most likely Photics edited him self.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    tenrdrmer said:
    Sorry I forgot how Sensitive you where to general humor.

    You're a moderator. Shouldn't part of your role be to set an example? I don't see how posting offensive images furthers the conversation in a productive manor.
    tenrdrmer said:
    Yeah way to go there ace. I didn't edit it. Mind your business. Most likely Photics edited him self.

    I did edit the post myself, but I put it back when people started quoting me. I don't want to be judgmental. That's why I changed it. You seem like an OK person Tendrmer... but you're a Sous Chef. That means you help set the tone of the forum.
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    tenrdrmer said:
    Yeah way to go there ace.

    Back on topic, learn to be respectful to members :)
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    nextgen mind your own business and stop trying to stir stuff up.

    photics stop acting like a little girl. This isnt the imperial dynasty, its the gs forum on the internet we can act how we want. As long as hes not flat out cursing at you he can say whatever he likes. We dotn work for gamesalad, we just mod the forum. Were alloud to joke around and have our one opinions and say what we want. And you all say hes not worthy of being a sous chef but hes helped more people in a day then most people help in a year.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    @Photics the majority of the images in BOT are 32bit png.
  • RondoRocketRondoRocket Member Posts: 411
    stormystudio said:
    If I delete my whole game it loads really quickly...

    Template please!
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    NextGen said:
    Back on topic

    Yeah... what Rob2 posted is interesting. I don't like wasting my time reducing the color palette of my artwork. Yet, BOT for iPad is an 84 MB download. The project size is about 74 MB. If the color palettes weren't reduced, the game would be about 200+ MB in size.
    Rob2 said:
    @Photics the majority of the images in BOT are 32bit png.

    So where is the huge space saving coming from? Before indexing, I couldn't even upload the game to GameSalad. That's how big the game was... while still in development.

    Xcode does have PNG compression... but a 75% reduction? It's not that good. (...and I think GameSalad is compressing the PNGs before Xcode gets it.)
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    photics stop acting like a little girl.

    Maybe I missed a change in the forum rules. Is it OK to insult forum members now?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    he didnt say photics your:

    he posted a image joking about the situation. Obviosuly no one should be calling people out, thats not what he did. The title of the thread is someone slap me, maybe you missed that part or didnt put 2 and 2 together.. every comment isn't aimed at you.

    the only people insulting were you and nextgen.

    And last time i checked every post you make isnt supposed to have a link to one of your products, so maybe the rules did change..

    Nevertheless back on topic now.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Photics said:
    Maybe I missed a change in the forum rules. Is it OK to insult forum members now?

    And the oscar goes to the award winning Photics for his starring role in such titles as 'Desperate to be a Sous Chef', 'Smarter than the guys at GameSalad', 'Sensitive and Needs a Hug' and 'Oh look honey, i've managed to cause another argument in an innocent thread'
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    @Photics I know it all seems rather weird and it would be good to get some hard facts without having to go through a zillion ad hoc test apps.

    Basically the majority of pngs in a project seem to get pngcrushed by Xcode on compile which chucks them out as 32 bit pngs, randomly it seems some images escape this Apple treatment. In iphone BOT most of your @2x 1024x1024 tiles are still 256 indexed... go figure ? :)
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    beefy_clyro said:
    And the oscar goes to the award winning Photics for his starring role in such titles as 'Desperate to be a Sous Chef'

    Actually, I was offered the opportunity to be a Sous Chef. I turned it down. It seemed like lots of work for no real reward... not even a free Pro License. That's why I think it's cool that this site has lots of volunteers. Yet, the purpose of having volunteer forum moderators is to enforce the site rules. Last I checked, it wasn't cool to insult fellow developers.

    Also, I'm not sure what files Rob2 is looking at. Many of the images are not indexed. Like the non-retina display files created by GameSalad or most of the ones I used for animations.

    If you're looking at the list of images, here's an example of a compressed file... x1-y1-bottom-left@2x.png ...that file is smaller in file size than the low-res version.
  • digletodigleto Member Posts: 76
    I now kind of want to see what the images were...
    But Photics all that was needed to be said was that you find the images offensive and they would have been removed. Instead you but down Tenrdrmer and told him he wasn't good enough to be a mod. And I doubt the pictures were really that offensive, but if they were, please never visit 4chan.

    Also Photics, why must you link to bot in every post? I thought you were against doing that (your comic) Its kind of annoying and I think after the fifth link we know what the app is. Your trying to sell your game to developers and not consumers that read your comic, not very logical.

    But on topic (poor stormy, isn't getting any feedback on what he posted) I think that the shorter the load times the better for a click adventure. It depends though, are you switching the room and changing scene or is the scene change just for different puzzles and the like? If you change scenes every room, backtracking will be a chore and so will even going forward.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Rob2 said:
    @Photics I know it all seems rather weird and it would be good to get some hard facts without having to go through a zillion ad hoc test apps.

    Basically the majority of pngs in a project seem to get pngcrushed by Xcode on compile which chucks them out as 32 bit pngs, randomly it seems some images escape this Apple treatment. In iphone BOT most of your @2x 1024x1024 tiles are still 256 indexed... go figure ? :)

    Yeah, now I think you see the difference. If you're looking at the list of files, you can see how weird it gets in there. The low res images, automatically created by GameSalad, are actually larger in file size than my retina display graphics. That's how big of a difference Indexing can make.

    I would be able to optimize my games even further if GameSalad allowed manual control of which images are used for Retina Display and non-retina display.

    I did lots of Ad Hoc testing to figure out this information. I've sent an email to GameSalad about this information. Performance could dramatically improve if the software had some minor changes.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    digleto said:
    Also Photics, why must you link to bot in every post?

    The link to BOT was included to show that I'm not kidding. The file sizes are legitimate. It's listed on the iTunes app page. Also, I like linking to my projects. I'd probably use a lot less links here if we had proper signatures. (Supposedly, a forum upgrade is on the way.)

    ...and it's not every post. The link in the post before yours is an email link. Ha ha... that was created automatically.
    digleto said:
    But on topic (poor stormy, isn't getting any feedback on what he posted)

    Maybe you should re-read what I posted. Basically... indexed PNG files dramatically reduced the size of my game and it improved the loading times. I turned a 4-6 seconds loading time into 2-3 seconds. That seems like highly relevant information here.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Rob2 said:
    @Photics I know it all seems rather weird and it would be good to get some hard facts without having to go through a zillion ad hoc test apps.

    Basically the majority of pngs in a project seem to get pngcrushed by Xcode on compile which chucks them out as 32 bit pngs, randomly it seems some images escape this Apple treatment. In iphone BOT most of your @2x 1024x1024 tiles are still 256 indexed... go figure ? :)

    Rob I must commend you for trying very hard to stay on topic amidst the catfighting. :)

    Photics. You starting the insults. So lets try to not be hypocrites here.
    digleto said:
    (poor stormy, isn't getting any feedback on what he posted)

    I tried to offer several Slap options for Stormy But On of the images said "B**** Slap" and that was too offensive.

    @Stormy. I personally and not worried about the loading time workarounds. I have never had a game so bad that It really concerned me. And knowing they have shifted focus to the load time issues mean hopefully the workarounds will be a waste of time. This is of course my own personal Opinion. and in no way meant to reflect the opinions of any other moderator or GameSalad employee. ;)
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    But many of your hires indexed files have also been converted to 32bit that is what I'm saying.

    edit : cheers :)
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    tenrdrmer said:
    Photics. You starting the insults. So lets try to not be hypocrites here.

    Heh, actually... I think I've been rather restrained in this thread... and I kept the thread on-topic. I don't see where I insulted anyone. I certainly didn't call anyone a little girl, or posted offensive imagery... and I'm not a Sous Chef. I'm glad to see that your post was edited.

    My useful information was challenged. I proved that my information was correct. My findings could be used to improve current GameSalad games... and then GAMESALAD ITSELF if the developers follow my suggestions.
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