Resetting game and resetting level

butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
So I have a rule, when the player loses 3 healthbars, that the game goes back to the initial scene which is the main menu.

Where should I include a rule to reset the game so it starts over?

Also, how are people on GS using the resetting entire game versus resetting the level?

Thanks GS for the update!


  • ktfrightktfright Member Posts: 964
    if your game is short, it can use resetting the game.

    i've found out that change scene can help pause a game.
  • MillerEPMillerEP Member Posts: 22
    To answer your first question Butterbean, I would say it depends on what you're using to keep track of the healthbars. If you have a global attribute that just adds by 1 each time you get hit, I would add the rule in that same actor. just toss a new rule on that actor that says "When attribute: (counter) reaches (3)" "Reset (scene/game)" failing that I would just throw that same rule on the background art. Doesn't really matter if you're keeping track of hits through a set number.

    To answer your second question, That completely depends on your game. If you want to toss a "Play again?" button than "reset game" will send them back to your start screen or title screen if you have one, and "reset scene" will do just that reset the scene without changing scenes, it just restarts everything. If you don't have any title or start screens or anything that they basically do the same thing. Hope that helps.
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