Pause game behavior doesn't pause music???

pokafacepokaface Member Posts: 15
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello all,

I'm having a big issue with the music not pausing when I pause game. Yes, I've tried "pausing music" then "resuming music" which works except for in my case I have an ON/OFF music button in my options menu and it causes this problem as follows..

(music playing in background)
click pause button > pause menu pops up (music stops) CORRECT
click options button (inside pause menu) > options menu pops up CORRECT
switch sound from ON to OFF CORRECT
click back to options menu CORRECT
click resume game CORRECT
game resumes (music cannot be heard) CORRECT

click pause button again & then same steps but turning music back to ON
resume game
but now music can NOT be heard even though the sound was turned back to ON < INCORRECT

click pause, then resume again
and now music can be heard again < CORRECT

Now my question is what am I doing wrong? How can I avoid that "incorrect" step?

It would be much more simpler if pause game paused the music as well.. in theory it should..

Someone please help me out, I'm stumped!
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