Demo: Text Attributes to Arrays

outasiteoutasite Member Posts: 417
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Alrighty, I sort of just read the sticky about Loading Times and Ram Usage. Anyway, I was intrigued by the aspect of turning text attributes into arrays. In my current project I am using binary logic to store my information in 1's and 0's. Seeing as this is GameSalad, and we are the 98% that do not WANT to code, and I don't think you all want to use 1's and 0's; so I thought I would try to make a demo to show how one can do this.

Download it HERE

I thought I would make this demo for everyone, it seemed to spark some interest in the thread. I know codemonkey said he was going to make one, so.. until his is released I hope this helps some.

Have Fun, Be Safe

Note: This is my first demo/tutorial. Hope its good.


  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    While I don't fully understand the working of Arrays yet I find your demo helpful.
    I did find it countdowns to a negative number which I find confusing.

  • outasiteoutasite Member Posts: 417
    The Deck Count is subtracted by one every time the deck is pressed. The Deck count is preset to 52, and so if you press it 54 times, it will show as -2.

    I just did not make rules to show that the deck has run out of cards and reset. Since this was a demo on arrays and not reseting. I am sorry if this was confusing. I tried to explain that in there.

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    Yes I saw the explanation but I I am confused to what it does when you are at card 53 (-1).
    I thought you could only have 52 numbers to pick from as well so am wondering what number it gives next. But I'm not really digging in to it at this moment (would love to but don't have the time).
    Anyways, thanks for the demo!
  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    Just as a general tip - you can use index attributes if you don't want numbers less than zero.

    Index attributes are integers more than or equal to zero.

    Will check out your demo in a bit, thanks for posting.


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  • outasiteoutasite Member Posts: 417
    @HoneyTribeStudios Thanks, the index would of been better for the cards. I didn't think it would be to disrating.

    @LudwigHeijden I am sorry again... The demo was not coded for anything, after all 52 cards have been drawn. For example, the deck number becomes a negative numbers, showing that you are pulling cards out that the deck does not have. And the "NextCard" attribute goes crazy flipping through numbers looking for a number not in the array, but since the entire deck is in it, it will never stop looking (infinite loop). And once you have picked up all 52 cards, you can still pick up a card (which is added to the array) This is because, in the 'Press' rule the only validation is if it is being pressed. I did not include the same check as in the random number rule.

    All three situations were poorly coded. I apologize to anyone who may become confused by this. Like I said this is my first demo. I was paying attention more to show how the arrays worked. Sorry Again

    Have Fun, Be Safe
  • outasiteoutasite Member Posts: 417
    28 Downloads and 3 votes (I voted for No DL)... How do I know if it helps, or if I should even try and help?



    BTW, I take criticism very well, hah
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    it was very helpful for me.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    It was a great demo, very well documented, still not an array tho :)
  • outasiteoutasite Member Posts: 417
    @Mago Cool, gald to help.
    @Rob2 I know... :( I wish there was a way to delete them and shift everything.

    i kind of liked doing the demo, I just know if I was any good at it. Any other suggestions for demos?
  • LaFedLaFed Member Posts: 3
    Great demo.... was wondering if we can accessed any particular "array" from the text attribute? It will be awesome if I can grab the data during the game...
  • ourhouseourhouse Member Posts: 31
    outasite said:
    Have Fun, Be Safe

    Note: This is my first demo/tutorial. Hope its good.

    Hi Michael,
    I was very good! I had been looking at how to make a random number generator for a simple raffle app just days before your posting, following the same codemonkey thread, etc... What great timing! I must say you have a nice style for documenting what is going on in your demo - very clear. I was able to follow it then make changes as needed to adapt the concept to my app. I finished it quickly and just released on the App Store. Here are some promo codes if you're interested... (I'll post a few more under "Announce Your Game". Thanks for the great demo - very useful!

    Winning Ticket! is a very simple iPad app that lets you enter a start number and end number and it picks random winning numbers, does not repeat, ends when finished.

    Winning Ticket! promo codes:

    All the best,
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