No.... The point of gamesalad IS that they are bringing game creation to EVERYONE this includes people who don't want to pay 10$. and actually they'd loose a LOT of money doing this. Though I do believe that their $500 version is way steep and they should downgrade that version to a $50 version and bring apples famous api's like in-app purchase and push notifications to a 199 version. ___________________________________________________________________________ I'm teaching an online programing course go here to find out more!!!
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
I agree. I point of GameSalad, like CodeMonsters said, is to bring the creator to everyone. Don't forget that the people who are working at GameSalad HC need to be paid for their work, and if they reduce the price of pro to $10, then how would that pay for everyone?
MjMDesign said: but then everyone who uses gamesalad would buy it then it might be equal
No not nesseceraly, read this post>>
theCodeMonsters said: No.... The point of gamesalad IS that they are bringing game creation to EVERYONE this includes people who don't want to pay 10$. and actually they'd loose a LOT of money doing this. Though I do believe that their $500 version is way steep and they should downgrade that version to a $50 version and bring apples famous api's like in-app purchase and push notifications to a 199 version. ___________________________________________________________________________ I'm teaching an online programing course go here to find out more!!!
You should E-Mail GameSalad to do that!
I'm teaching an online programing course go here to find out more!!!
Don't forget that the people who are working at GameSalad HC need to be paid for their work, and if they reduce the price of pro to $10, then how would that pay for everyone?
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