Crashing when Scene resets.

MikeyMKMikeyMK Member Posts: 4
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi, there. I'm having a bit of trouble with Game Salad. I set up my character actor to animate while moving to the mouse position. Basically, I made touch-based controls. Now, there is an actor that is the enemy. If you come in contact with it, you lose a life. I set a rule so that when the lives reaches zero, the scene resets. Every time the lives counter reaches zero on the last collision, GS would freeze, and crash. This happens even if I set it to change the scene to the initial scene. This has happened countless times. Please help! Thank you.


  • MikeyMKMikeyMK Member Posts: 4
    I did that, but now the lives counter goes back to 3, and before it changes or resets the scene, GS still crashes. Is it because I put the rule on the actor that is the character being controlled?
  • MikeyMKMikeyMK Member Posts: 4
    Can someone please help? It is difficult for me to make further progress without this working properly. Gamesalad still crashes upon scene reset or scene change. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
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