Font sizes? Need input..

pokafacepokaface Member Posts: 15

I am working on my first app and it has a ton of reading in it. I do not have a dev account yet so I cannot test it on my iPhone.. I am making all of the text in a photo editor and exporting as PNGs.. I am currently using 18pt font..

Will that be a good size for my text? I can't tell what it will look like on the iPhone and the simulator just doesn't do justice.. I don't want to find out later that the text is too small or big and have to re-do every single image. Any good recommendations or examples of games that use a certain font SIZE that I could reference to?



  • adrianehoveradrianehover Member Posts: 3
    [url=] software outsourcing[/url]

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"
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    <description>Software outsourcing and business process outsourcing,software outsourcing,business process outsourcing,software outsourcing service</description>
    <lastBuildDate>Thu, 17 Feb 2011 01:55:19 +0000</lastBuildDate>
    <title>DEBBY HAHN 关于 Microsoft ASP.Net Life Cycle Events 的评论</title>
    <dc:creator>DEBBY HAHN</dc:creator>
    <pubDate>Thu, 17 Feb 2011 01:55:19 +0000</pubDate>
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    <description>First of all, wonderful post! Weather one runs her own corporate event, or for clients, event marketing and planning requires significant investment of both time and budget, therefore I would stress that ROI control is critical. At my previous firm we have spent at least a quarter of our marketing budget on events. No wonder that event management industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. And we all are funding it. ;-). Solid event automation tools a must thou - automation of event management processes makes the whole process much more manageable. By combining creativity with tech tools we all can increase the reach and effectiveness of our next event. Great team is another key. If promotion folks are not synchronized with business development guys, we all, along with our return on investment, are deeply screwed. ;-). Btw, it helped me to remember that I haven't yet finished design of our booth for an exhibit that we participate in a few months. Brochures and guests invites are not ready either. What am I thinking?! lol. I better get back to it. Once again, thank you for wonderful coverage.</description>
    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>First of all, wonderful post! Weather one runs her own corporate event, or for clients, event marketing and planning requires significant investment of both time and budget, therefore I would stress that ROI control is critical. At my previous firm we have spent at least a quarter of our marketing budget on events. No wonder that event management industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. And we all are funding it. ;-) . Solid event automation tools a must thou – automation of event management processes makes the whole process much more manageable. By combining creativity with tech tools we all can increase the reach and effectiveness of our next event. Great team is another key. If promotion folks are not synchronized with business development guys, we all, along with our return on investment, are deeply screwed. ;-) . Btw, it helped me to remember that I haven’t yet finished design of our booth for an exhibit that we participate in a few months. Brochures and guests invites are not ready either. What am I thinking?! lol. I better get back to it. Once again, thank you for wonderful coverage.</p>

    <!-- Dynamic page generated in 0.272 seconds. -->
    <!-- Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2011-09-05 01:59:18 --. EDI applications hires opened measures which includes Web site Styles, XML as well as Online EDI (AS2). Decent EDI software program features self-monitoring resources, automated signal and critical safety measures. [url=] software outsourcing service[/url] In addition, many addresses the translation for EDI docs straight to many different register formats used through the web

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  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    woooooooow, we need a sous chef stat to clean up this thread,
    Id love to be a sous
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