Opinion or advice pls

PeeCeePeeCee Member Posts: 107
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi All.

Im wanting to have the following and need to possible ways for this to be accomplished.

I have a ball that i want to throw over a mid height fence , how would i make it look like it goes over the fence. is the a way to change attribute SEND TO BACK ORDER or something.

I am able to change attribute H & W to make it look like its going the distance but is the part of making cross over the FENCE ACTOR to look like its gone over.

any pointers would be muched appreciated.



  • ApplaudAppsApplaudApps Member Posts: 308
    Hi, You can do that by showing the ball going up in front of the fence, then when its in the air just above the fence spawn an identical fence actor in the front of layer so that when the ball drops it looks like it is going behind the fence.

    You can tidy things up by deleting the ball when its hidden and then removing/moving the duplicate fence.
  • PeeCeePeeCee Member Posts: 107
    Many thanks pal. Great to hear feedback and way to get things done.
    Appreciate it.
  • ApplaudAppsApplaudApps Member Posts: 308
    You're welcome ;)
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