if self motion linear x is greater then 0 your moving right, if its less then zero your moving left.
if self motion linear y is greater then 0 your moving up and if its less then zero your moving down.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
You can Easily tell the general Direction an Actor is moving by checking linearvelocity.x and linearvelocty.y
Positive value for x is moving on the x axis to the right. A negative value means moving to the left
Positive value for y is moving on the y axis up and a negative value is moving down.
By knowing that you can tell if an actor is moving in general direction For example If the actor has a positive x and a negative y then you know it is moving at an angle down and to the right.
if self motion linear y is greater then 0 your moving up and if its less then zero your moving down.
Positive value for x is moving on the x axis to the right. A negative value means moving to the left
Positive value for y is moving on the y axis up and a negative value is moving down.
By knowing that you can tell if an actor is moving in general direction For example If the actor has a positive x and a negative y then you know it is moving at an angle down and to the right.
Good Luck Hope that helps.