Leaving as Sous Chef, but still hanging around the forums!
I wanted to announce to everyone that I'll no longer have the title of "Sous Chef" in the forums.
It was a decision I had been pondering for some time, as I haven't been able to devote the amount of time I want to the forums, and moderating, in conjunction with some personal life stuff that has come up (nothing to worry about).
I'll still be a member of the community and visiting often, I just couldn't justify keeping the title given how little time I've been able to spend here helping out the Community and moderating the forums.
So this is not goodbye...it's just a change in status, but I'll be around, as I really enjoy everyone in the community here, and it's always fun coming in and seeing what's new! There are so many wonderful members here, old and new, that all make the Community as fun and engaging as it is, and I have yet to find another forum site that comes as close to home as the Gamesalad forums.
So this is not farewell, I'll still be here, just on a more casual basis
(I've notified Yodapollo about the change in status, and it will be reflected by early next week)
It was a decision I had been pondering for some time, as I haven't been able to devote the amount of time I want to the forums, and moderating, in conjunction with some personal life stuff that has come up (nothing to worry about).
I'll still be a member of the community and visiting often, I just couldn't justify keeping the title given how little time I've been able to spend here helping out the Community and moderating the forums.
So this is not goodbye...it's just a change in status, but I'll be around, as I really enjoy everyone in the community here, and it's always fun coming in and seeing what's new! There are so many wonderful members here, old and new, that all make the Community as fun and engaging as it is, and I have yet to find another forum site that comes as close to home as the Gamesalad forums.
So this is not farewell, I'll still be here, just on a more casual basis

(I've notified Yodapollo about the change in status, and it will be reflected by early next week)
also thanks butter for the help in these time
1 - You don't get paid
2 - It's still an extra pair of eyeballs to watch out for spam
@butter can you give the title to me? lol
Butterbean doesn't cause trouble. She's a highly respectful and respected member of this community.
There was never any minimum or max requirement as a forum moderator, so I didn't see the need to be paid. I spent time here in the forums because I enjoyed the interaction with the community, and never saw it as "work" it was more fun, and a nice break from working on games.
Thanks for the compliments
@Rob: yeah, I haven't been in the forums much lately, even part-time
Kudos to you.
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I'm gonna miss ya butterbean
Much respect.
You MUST stay a Sous regardless of how often you are here. It is vital that we can call on you at times of crisis when we need the calm considered moderation that you have always performed.
Even if you only popped in once a year I don't see it as undermining the title of 'Sous Chef'.
You are what you are - and you earned that title through your good deeds, commitment and general all round wonderfulness.
A friend of mine is a mod at a different forum, and put this up on his site:
So true!
I've often thought of packing in the role, especially when I've been called 'unprofessional'. Then I realised that I'm not actually paid to do any of this and I should not have my opinion censored because of the position.
It's like on Twitter, where paid employees state 'These opinions are my own, and do not reflect those of my company.'
So. My opinions are my own, and do not reflect those of GameSalad. If I think you're a dick, I will say so!
I hope you reconsider BB!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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I almost didn't make the announcement because I didn't think it was a big deal, and didn't want all the fuss, but I figured people would notice the title changed into "member" and question what happened, so I thought I'd nip it in the bud beforehand.
It's honestly no biggee, I'm still here to help, will still be spending time in the forums, and enjoy this community very much! I just didn't want the responsibility behind the title, given some personal stuff that's come up in my life, and knowing that my time spent here will be sporadic, and inconsistent.
But basically I'm still here, and not going anywhere!
@QS: I don't agree with censorship either. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion here, and the quote from twitter says it all!
Very cool of you to step down in such a nice way, whether it's necessary or not I think you should do a last minute post as a sous rocking the game salad world with truths unheard. Though I have had a few beers do should probably be ignored :-)