Left Button Works, But Right Doesn't

WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Now with the .82 I have had only one problem in my game Coconut Catcher and it's that my left button is working but, my right isn't. Here are my rules for right

Touch Is Pressed
Change Image to arrow with light
Change attribute game.right to 1

Touch is released
Change Image to arrow regular
Change attribute game.right to 0

Please Help I need this fixed:)


  • dereklaruedereklarue Member Posts: 121
    Seems like upgrading can mess up some actors, try deleting the actor from the scene and putting it back in. Fixed my problem. :)
  • WeswogWeswog Member Posts: 1,171
    I tried that too and it didn't work:(

    Cheers, Weswog
  • muveemuttmuveemutt Member Posts: 83
    Having the same issue even though that is more than a year old. My right button works but my left button is going right also. I have checked and rechecked both. Here is the scenario... I have the actor controlled by the <> and space bar, I am also adding in touch controls and those are the ones that are giving me trouble. I have ... timer 0 seconds... All conditions... game.leftpressed is true and game right pressed is false then change attribute game.leftpressed to true, otherwise change left pressed to false. I have exactly the opposite on the actor for the -> right hud button for the actor I want to move. For the left button actor I have... all conditions- touch is pressed, mouse position inside then a- change attribute game.leftpressed to true otherwise change att game.leftpressed to false. I have these set up exactly the opposite for the right button... both on timers and they both have another change attribute in them but it's for the stand still image (that part is working fine as far as I can tell). Any help would be appreciated
  • muveemuttmuveemutt Member Posts: 83
    O BTW I just posed it here because the topic was already here, don't know if this post is in the right place or not. If it isn't sorry.
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