Have you noticed strange sales from middle-east countries?
I released the lite version of my game "A Plinky Game!" on thursday.
Usually the best selling country is the USA followed by UK and other european countries. The sales in those countries were about 8000 in the USA and about 1000 in each major european countries.
That's good, but what shocked me are the 12000 sales I had in Saudi Arabia and the 500 each I had in Kuwait, Libano and the Emirates.
Applyzer don't shows any particular features in those countries.
Anyone had similar strange sales?
Usually the best selling country is the USA followed by UK and other european countries. The sales in those countries were about 8000 in the USA and about 1000 in each major european countries.
That's good, but what shocked me are the 12000 sales I had in Saudi Arabia and the 500 each I had in Kuwait, Libano and the Emirates.
Applyzer don't shows any particular features in those countries.
Anyone had similar strange sales?
Each of my apps, sold near double the day before.
Didn't notice the country, will give a look.
US's ignorant idea of the middle east:
Actual part of the middle east:
People need to open their eyes a little more
It's always great to have the uninformed and arrogant, like hman360, continue to perpetuate baseless negative stereotypes against their own countrymen. Your nuance of thought is a credit to humanity. Please tell me you have a blog because I absolutely must follow you!
Also, a check of Cocos reveals a similar pattern of behavior. He's tried to scam others to do work for him and even threatened a lawsuit.
Look out for this teenager, people!
have a look
sorry i have no more time cos im off to work now
but trust me that the arab economy is MISSRABLE and freedom is poor
dont look at dubia, it was a buble and the world resition burst it its illusion and not true, unemployment figures are scary and one final point THERE IS NO NATIONAL INSURENCE
Well! it is a dream place for us business people and not so great for job seekers because of the Free zone n thats why every big company has a presence in FZ. I was wondering what will people do if Arabs actually accomplish something. At least a couple of posts on this thread give this impression that people dont like Arab world developing and they might go to some extent to keep them where they are. Now guys! don't be scared but I ve been to UAE and had a friend from Michigan with me. His first response was (which got faded gradually in few days after failing to find a Taxi) ...What the hell am I doing in US! Anyways I think if they sustain the Free zone policy, good business can be done. For starting a game company the license fee is 5000US$ and read my lips " NO TAXES!". Any one interested??