How do I avoid author right's, and how to I hyperlink a button to another scene?

gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Well i was looking in internet and I realized that if I use an image from internet I can get suited if it has authors rights, so I was wondering how to avoid that? And also Im trying to do a Menu scene, but to do that I have to hyperlink my button to another scene. For example, New game button to a New game scene... and an Options button to an Options menu


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    You need to either make your own graphics, hire an artist, or contact the person of the image you found online and see how much they want to let you use it if they allow you to.

    and for your second question all you do is have a rule in the button when touch is pressed
    - then put a change scene behavior in that rule and have it set to change to whatever scene you want
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