can i converte negative speed/velocity into positive?
i have a rule for my ball actor to constrain self position to hole position when overlapping with the hole and also when velocity is less than 300, so when the ball is going from left to right and top to bottom it does works, but when the ball is going right to left the speed is in negative which trigger the rule because negative 400 is less than 300 but the ball is actually going on 400 speed, how can i solve this problem guys?
when your speed is greater then 0 change pos to true
when your speed is less then 0 change pos to false
when pos is true and speed is greater then 0, ....
when pos is false and speed is less then -300, ...
I am struggling to connect the constrain code with speed or tilt of accelerometer. What i am trying to do is give the effect that if actor A moves over actor B it falls into it but is not destroyed, but will come out again if the iPad/iPhone is titled enough..
Appreciate any pointers many thx.