Improving Communication Tools to Improve the GameSalad experience

LaurenSaladLaurenSalad Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 650
edited November -1 in Tech Support

As we approach 1.0, the GameSalad team is looking to not just improve the software tool, but improve the overall user experience in the GameSalad community.

We have been striving to improve both our communication and tools available to our users. We believe that the launch of GameSalad Cookbook and the new Contact Form are two important steps in improving the overall GameSalad experience.

Every single GameSalad user is important to our community and integral to the success of our company’s future. Simply stated, we wouldn’t be where we are today without your support and amazing talents.

Let’s begin by highlighting each of these new tools:

GameSalad Cookbook:

GameSalad Cookbook is a Q&A environment where developers can ask and answer questions about GameSalad Creator, Viewer, HTML5 and iOS publishing, and other GameSalad-related issues.

In Cookbook, you can search for existing questions, rate other developer’s answers up or down, add tags, follow questions, share video, screenshots, templates, and much more!

New Contact Form:

The Contact Form allows GameSalad users to directly contact our Customer Support and QA Teams. New additional drop-down menus allow you to categorize your issue type as well as provide details on system specifications.

Customer Support V. Bug Reports

Customer Support Issues generally include difficulties with: accessing or using GameSalad Creator, payment systems, account access, technical issues, etc.
Customer service issues are answered via email by our Customer Support team, within 48 business hours of inquiry. Please be mindful that we are not open on weekends or holidays.

Bug Reports pertain to encounters with GameSalad Creator (or any of our tools and services) behaving in an unexpected, or obviously broken manner. When submitting a bug report the more details the better! Especially helpful information to include is the encountered behavior, the expected behavior, and the steps to reproduce the encountered behavior.

We understand that many users currently utilize the forums for investigating bug reports within the community. However, the most direct and helpful way to communicate bugs to our staff is via the contact form which allows for the selection of detailed system information which is then conveyed to our QA team.

We encourage you to fully utilize these new tools as much as possible. We look forward to assisting you!

To view this blog post and share with others, please visit the GameSalad blog:


  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    This is great news! It is great to see that the GS support team will be more involved to help the community. You guys at GS get better and better every day!


  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    Good Job GS, You Guys Are The BEST!!!
  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    Yesterday I sent email on helpdesk email id and I got Tori reply that he forwarded email to GS team for consideration. Its require now to feelup feedback form again. Or do I have to wait for their reply? Please let me know thanks
  • LaurenSaladLaurenSalad Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 650
    Hey Creativeapps,

    No need to duplicate your efforts. All previous helpdesk emails have been merged into our new system. In the future, please begin routing your questions, bugs, and customer support issues through the new contact form.

  • SaeedPhillipsIncSaeedPhillipsInc Member Posts: 27
    This great, just one question, how do I receive my answer? Thanks in advance :)
  • LaurenSaladLaurenSalad Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 650
    Customer Support:
    Customer service issues are answered via email by our Customer Support team, within 48 business hours of inquiry. Please be mindful that we are not open on weekends or holidays.

    Bug Reports:
    As always, our internal team does not respond individually to each bug report received. Our team will only reach out individually (via email) if we need additional information to investigate the reported issue. We will continue to provide general feedback regarding widespread reported issues on the forums.

    Hope that helps clarify things!
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Hi Lauren. How's the new forum coming along?
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    ya I am looking forword to the new forums too
  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    LaurenSalad said:
    Customer service issues are answered via email by our Customer Support team, within 48 business hours of inquiry. Please be mindful that we are not open on weekends or holidays.

    LaurenSalad said:
    All previous helpdesk emails have been merged into our new system.

    Ok If its merged then I am not send it again. Its allmost 72 business hours completed. Hope today I will get reply.
  • LaurenSaladLaurenSalad Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 650
    Hey @Creativeapps,

    We did receive your feature request! Our customer support team emailed you our standard response to feature request inquiries on Tuesday September 12th. Please confirm with us that you received this (maybe check your spam folder).

  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    Hello I got email with below reply.

    Thank you for contacting GameSalad Customer Support!
    I have passed your email on to our team for consideration.
    Thank you for your suggestion!
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Oh, so I'm not here.

    I guess I'll just talk to myself.

    "Hey Mike, did you see America's Got Talent last night?"
    "Oh, hi Mike. Yeah, it was pretty cool. I'm glad to see Landau won."
    "Yeah, I'm surprised that iLuminate didn't do better."
    "Well, they were like Fighting Gravity, and they lost last year."
    "Yeah, singers seem to do better."
    "Hey... you can sing. Why don't you go on that show?
    "Maybe I should. Maybe I can combine glow-in-the-dark technology with singing!"
    "Dude, that's awesome... but I think you need a hard luck story."
    "Yeah, no one's going to vote for a guy that makes iOS games."

    Seriously... what is wrong with you GameSalad? Forum software is not top secret technology. The secrecy and delays are not improving the GameSalad experience.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Photics, I asked them not to tell you cause I like knowing things you want to know. :)
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    tenrdrmer said:
    Photics, I asked them not to tell you cause I like knowing things you want to know. :)

    Heh, funny... but that's not the point. If GameSalad is really interested in improving "The GameSalad Experience", the communication around here would be a lot better.
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    I have to agree with Photics... lovely though the new things are and I do love a good yellow sticky about new things

    ..But its the forum that I spend too much time on and it would be great to have at the very least the 'subscribe to topic via email' button fixed.... if not some other cool and common forum abilities.

    Fingers crossed it comes soon...
  • LaurenSaladLaurenSalad Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 650
    Hey guys,

    I am really excited to share with you news about our new forum software. We have decided to go with a version of Vanilla forum software.

    We anticipate that Vanilla will completely fix the "subscribe to thread" issue we're having now, as well as provide a better direct/private messaging system than the one currently on our site.

    The merge is coming soon and it will involve us shutting down the forums for a couple of hours to migrate all of the data and republish with a new system. But don't worry! We will give you a warning before this happens.

    We love the Vanilla software and can't wait for you to explore and use it!

    I look forward to sharing some more details and features of our new software as we get closer to the merge!

    Thanks guys!
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Yeah I checked out Vanilla a few weeks ago when they said thats what they were going with. I like it and something cool I hope GameSalad uses that the demo forum I checked out had was a mobile version of the forum software.
  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    Looks good! Can't wait to see the new forum software in action.

    I just noticed something:

    How come under stormystudio is says "Sous-Chef" and under tenrdrmer it says "Sous Chef"? Why is one hyphenated while the other is not? Just saw that :)

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  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    BlackbirdStudios said:
    How come under stormystudio is says "Sous-Chef" and under tenrdrmer it says "Sous Chef"? Why is one hyphenated while the other is not? Just saw that :)

    I'm so awesome I don't need a Hyphen. Or wait maybe its a conspiracy against me. They are stripping me one character at a time in hopes I don't go off the deep end and flip out. Oh great . now i'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.
  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    tenrdrmer said:
    I'm so awesome I don't need a Hyphen. Or wait maybe its a conspiracy against me. They are stripping me one character at a time in hopes I don't go off the deep end and flip out. Oh great . now i'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.



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  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    one of us is more special but which one.... I like my makes me look sophisticated...
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    LaurenSalad said:
    We have decided to go with a version of Vanilla forum software.

    Ah, good. I'm glad that you've decided to not be so secretive about it.

    I'm not too familiar with Vanilla Forum, so I did some looking...

    Apparently, it shouldn't be too hard to integrate into your current setup... or exportable into future setups... should you move from WordPress to something like Drupal. (I like WordPress more. It's easier for me to maintain.) It looks like it supports single sign-on too...

    So, it seems like much of the work is already done... except for importing about a quarter-of-a-million posts.

    This is a good alternative to vBulletin. Although, I still think that some type of GameSalad app on the iTunes App Store could increase exposure. Yet, the vBulletin Add-On isn't needed for that. You could simply add the viewer to the iTunes App Store... or GameSalad itself to the Mac App Store. Perhaps this is the plan... and the only reason it's not there now is because Apple doesn't accept Beta software.

    Interesting... this is good progress... The GameSalad Experience has improved.
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    great, I think the new forums will be awesome
  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    stormystudio said:
    one of us is more special but which one.... I like my makes me look sophisticated...

    That it does stormy, that it does indeed.

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  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
  • mtinglemtingle Member Posts: 41
    as long as the GS posts are yellow a new forum is ok with me.
  • Mcreator83Mcreator83 Member Posts: 120
    Great! :D
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    Photics I love ya man,,,, Im just shocked..... you actually posted 2-3 links pertaining to something other than your unofficial Gamesalad Book. Im prouds man.

    All jokes aside. When Photics comes bashing through the forum doors with concerns and questions. He does bring logic with him 98% of the time. Keep up the good fight Photics.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Jeffnichols said:
    Photics I love ya man,,,, Im just shocked..... you actually posted 2-3 links pertaining to something other than your unofficial Gamesalad Book. Im prouds man.
    Ha ha... well... if signatures are enabled in the new forum, then I can just put a link to The Unofficial GameSalad Textbook in the signature... something like what I do on other forums.

    I think it's good to let developers have a space for highlighting their related games or projects. This encourages developers to post and to be helpful. This is also beneficial for GameSalad, as what's likely to be mentioned in the signature? ...templates on the GameSalad Marketplace!
  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    I wish for the post by user and thread started by user. Right now its not working and its really annoying
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