I mainly work with vectors - nice and easy when you got all the body parts together it's a lot like cut-out-animations... You take the bits and rotated them on the their pivot points [which act as joints] and Corel Draw allows me to do multiple pages to easy animate elements... Afterwards I export or copy and paste it into the bitmap tool and from there to separate png files...
Here's a sample of the rather simple character [consisting of just 30 basic vector shapes grouped into head, neck, body, legs and arms (both consisting of 3 separate parts)] for our current Utopian Games app:
The same technique works in inkscape and that's a free alternative to CorelDraw and Illustrator... It works the same way in Flash when you create your elements, adjust the pivot points and animate them within a movieclip...
Perhaps it works for you.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Here's a sample of the rather simple character [consisting of just 30 basic vector shapes grouped into head, neck, body, legs and arms (both consisting of 3 separate parts)] for our current Utopian Games app:
The same technique works in inkscape and that's a free alternative to CorelDraw and Illustrator... It works the same way in Flash when you create your elements, adjust the pivot points and animate them within a movieclip...