iPad Custom Splash problem

applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, in an adhoc build I'm seeing my custom splash for between 0.5 and 2 seconds followed by a white screen for up to 4 or 5 seconds until game loads which then fades to my scene.

Any ideas why?

I know about the white flash after the iphone custom splash but this is for ages on the ipad - looks awful


  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
    Close your eyes before the white screen, that will help you to not see it ;)

    Just joking lol, i don't know that issue...
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    try creating a new 1st scene that only has your custom splash screen with a change scene behavior in it (possibly in a timer). If the first scene is tiny it should load faster.
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    sebmacfly said:
    Close your eyes before the white screen, that will help you to not see it ;)

    Just joking lol, i don't know that issue...

    I was closing my eyes because it was blinding me after my brief black custom splash lol
    scitunes said:
    try creating a new 1st scene that only has your custom splash screen with a change scene behavior in it (possibly in a timer). If the first scene is tiny it should load faster.

    I know what you're saying but that approach is illogical as its a splash screen its supposed to stay there until the game loads. I've just paid for Pro mainly to have custom splash !

    Is it a bug that it goes to white for most of the loading?
  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
    applaudmobile is right... A splash scren is supposed to stay on the screen during the loading time...
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    Here's my dilemna - as you can see its more than a flash!

  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018

    It's an ambient light :)
  • LaurenSaladLaurenSalad Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 650

    Thanks for the video. That was really helpful.

    Check your email shortly. Customer support is responding to you now!
  • entersimonentersimon Member, PRO Posts: 273
    If there is a fix to this then I would appreciate an answer as well. I know there are a number of people who have encountered this, myself included.
  • pnolandpnoland Member Posts: 36
    I'll toss my name into that hat...same problem. I hope the next update kills this bug.
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