com.gamename.scores1 ??

LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I am testing an ad hoc now with Game Center abilities.
What I don't get is the Leaderboard ID.
I have made Leaderboards and see the Leaderboard ID in iTune connect.
But the ad hoc gives an error:
Score report failed - The requested operation could not be completed because one or more parameters are invalid.

As I understand from the scattered information on the forum and Game Center example I need to ad an ID. Is is the bundle ID (as found in iTunes connect) and then the Leaderboard ID?
I will test this now but have to do a rebuild of the ad hoc for that, waste of my time!

Also: I get unable to load when I go to Game Center leaderboards from the game. Is that because there is no data or am I doing more things wrong??

On a critical note: Why isn't this info here:
I find the info on some topics very scattered.
The cookbook isn't working good for me either, I liked the info pages before the cookbook better.


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