I'll help you out this time, but reading the Wiki is really worth it. You might not understand my instructions if you don't at least skim it.
1) First, constrain two real attributes in the game attributes section to the X and Y position of your character. Have the bullet/laser/whatever either accelerate or move to those positions. Then create an integer attribute also in game attribute section with the number of lives you want as the value. Every time the bullet collides with your character, change the attribute to "game.lives -1). I recommend setting up a controller (an invisible, unmovable, uncollidable actor) to take care of this.
2) Simply use the same two attributes used to track your character's position and plug them in the "Rotate To" behavior.
Thanks for that Kamazar, I got the rotating and shooting to work but not the lives, when I put change attribute game.lives to -1 whenever the actor gets hit it changes lives to -1? Also when lives reach zero how do you make it change scene?
1) First, constrain two real attributes in the game attributes section to the X and Y position of your character. Have the bullet/laser/whatever either accelerate or move to those positions. Then create an integer attribute also in game attribute section with the number of lives you want as the value. Every time the bullet collides with your character, change the attribute to "game.lives -1). I recommend setting up a controller (an invisible, unmovable, uncollidable actor) to take care of this.
2) Simply use the same two attributes used to track your character's position and plug them in the "Rotate To" behavior.
When "game.Lives" is less than 1
Change scene to "Game Over".
That'll change the scene when you run out of lives.
And under the Lives attribute, you set the value to something over 0, right?