Some Inkscape practice I've been doing

AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
I've been learning to use Inkscape for a few months now, and I'd like to ask the community for some opinions on some of the stuff I've made.

Here's a man I made, using an image I found as a reference point.


These three are from a larger image I hope to animate as an animation to the song "War on Drugs" by the Barenaked Ladies:




Finally, here's a vector drawing with a photoshop texture called "The Magician"


I'd really appreciate it if you give me opinions and criticisms. I've been enjoying doing this, and I'd like to get better.



  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    Looks good for starters... but I am sure (even though you wanted to hear that it's not overly helpful) so I am going to be harsher / brutally honest...

    Firstly the portrait is well executed but you lost the character a little bit... The main problem is the outline and shading... Keep the outline a little varied and match the thickness to the importance of the elements - eg. the nose (being a little too long) looks to massive with the thick outline, same as the eyebrows... thinner outlines might work better in these spots... the tie needs and outline as well... not for all the design elements on it but for the overall shape... the shading is a mix of smooth and a rather harsh cell shading... choose one and stick it... mixing the two just looks off in 99% of the cases...The shadow over the eyes feels too dark and the right side of the face should have a hint of shading to show that it's facing away from the light source.

    The radio image looks good just has bad typo choice and layout... The design is circular coming from the radio - why not place the text on the circles as well and have it bend with the
    curve... Imho a times new roman font doesn't go too well with the cartoony style and it could be bigger as well and needs to stand out a bit better from the dark background (which I would lighten a little bit)

    The next one has a bad typo combination imho - and so does the next (which is worth as you can't read it properly with the 'artistic' moving of the 'a soul' line)... The second part in arial just looks disconnected...

    The magician has a unbalanced composition and the emphasis on the wrong part ('the') instead of the 'Magician'... it would also make more sense to have a radial fill on the ball and a little google images on 'hands' might reveal some insights into the length, joints and poses of a hand... as well as the buldging part on the lower arm above the shirt...

    Overall it's coming along nicely... Keep at it and I am looking forward to seeing more...
  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    Sprite attack,

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate your criticism and honesty. I think I have some ideas on how to improve some of these based on what you said.

    Again, thanks for being so thorough. What you said will be very helpful.

  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    Anytime, mate... Let me know if you need help or want me to look at things in a more detailed way...
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