Sous Chefs or Tech Support, please respond

Holderness_Media_IncHolderness_Media_Inc Member Posts: 118
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi, I have a found a strange bug with GS, not sure if my account has been compromised or if it's just a bug. (I really hope it's just a bug.)

I am not yet pro, so I understand I don't get priority support. I plan on upgrading before publishing my new game but I want to make sure my account is not compromised.

Could a tech support person or possibly a sous chef that can pass my issue on more directly PLEASE pm me. I have already filled out two bug reports and submitted with screenshots, but it's Sunday and I'm not pro so I fear they won't be seen for a few days.

Thanks in advance.


  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    As a pro member, I have never been given this special priority support line.

    What's your issue?
  • I prefer not to post the issue directly on the forums as I've seen how ridiculous people can get when complaining about a bug/issue and I don't want to cause GS programmers grief, I just want to know what's up.

    I'll just have to wait for a response I guess, not a huge deal but it would be nice to know if my account has been compromised, especially before upgrading my account.
  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
    GameSalad Tech Support does not work weekends. Keep in mind they are located in Austin, so it will be Monday at the earliest before they can even respond to you. Hope everything works out for you.

    - Alex
  • osucowboy18 said:
    GameSalad Tech Support does not work weekends. Keep in mind they are located in Austin, so it will be Monday at the earliest before they can even respond to you. Hope everything works out for you.

    - Alex

    Thanks Alex, I figured as much, but thought it was worth a shot to get through tonight. Hopefully they get to me tomorrow. The more I think about it, the more I think it may just be a bug somehow related to upcoming features.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Holderness Just post what your issue is. I cannot think of any bug that would compromise your account. I also cannot think of a time when anyone went nuts on someone for posting a bug issue. At the worst we might tell you your over reaching to the situation but we cannot help if you don't tell us whats up. I personally don't understand why you think your account is compromised. Can you not just change your password?
  • tenrdrmer said:
    Holderness Just post what your issue is. I cannot think of any bug that would compromise your account. I also cannot think of a time when anyone went nuts on someone for posting a bug issue. At the worst we might tell you your over reaching to the situation but we cannot help if you don't tell us whats up. I personally don't understand why you think your account is compromised. Can you not just change your password?

    Hi tenrdrmer, I was referring to the way people overreact about things like the ram and loading issue.

    Anyhow I guess i'll just post the issue.

    I was working on my game and went to test on the GS viewer using my iPhone. When I clicked on the iPhone icon to preview, it usually just says "my iPhone" or "my iPad". This time it also had two options below, "tweet" and "open as twitter username".

    When I clicked on "tweet", it opened up my Twitter app on my mac and brought up a compose new tweet window. When i clicked on "open as twitter username" it opened up a weird twitter profile, no one I know or that I follow/follows me.

    I tried to immediately do this again, but the options disappeared. Then, about a half hour later the same thing happened again, i go to test on the iPhone using viewer and the options are there. This time it opened up to a totally different, but also unknown twitter profile. Right now, they are gone again.

    I am still using GS 0.9.5, been holding off to update to 0.9.8 due to the memory/ram issues.

    Like I said, after the second time it happened, I think it's just a bug and my account is fine, just would like clarification.
  • *UPDATE - Well, I am a moron. Shame on me, haha. Please disregard this thread and/or close it.

    I realized what is happening. After I just recently installed the Twitter app from the Mac appstore, and now when I highlight any text you have the system wide option to "tweet" what you have highlighted.

    So what was happening is I had text value in an attribute in Gamesald highlighted, and for some reason when I click on the "Preview" iphone icon it was showing the option to tweet the value. So clicking the "open as twitter username" was taking me to twitter accounts such as @1 or @0, etc.

    Basically, this has nothing to do with Gamesalad or my account. Both are fine.
    It turned out to be a bug in my own !@#$% for brains, lol.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    So in the Preview on iPhone drop down menu it had these options? thats very odd indeed. Although I think may regret not upgrading to the latest version of GameSalad. Jumping multiple versions like you will be doing is likely gonna do some very screwy things to your project. hopefully they give you a response today.
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    Sounds very odd indeed.
    If it does it again, I'd suggest taking a screenshot too.

    But as tenrdrmer has said. Keeping on an older version is a bit of a mistake (imo). Remember when you do a build, it will be building on the server at whatever the lastes version is, so you have no option but to be on the latest version when you come to do an ad-hoc or app store build.
    Going from 0.9.5 seems like a pretty big jump to me...there are always issues brought in during the upgrade process, and I fear you might run into a LOT going up a number of versions in one hit.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Holderness_Media_Inc said:
    *UPDATE - Well, I am a moron. Shame on me, haha. Please disregard this thread and/or close it.

    I realized what is happening. After I just recently installed the Twitter app from the Mac appstore, and now when I highlight any text you have the system wide option to "tweet" what you have highlighted.

    So what was happening is I had text value in an attribute in Gamesald highlighted, and for some reason when I click on the "Preview" iphone icon it was showing the option to tweet the value. So clicking the "open as twitter username" was taking me to twitter accounts such as @1 or @0, etc.

    Basically, this has nothing to do with Gamesalad or my account. Both are fine.
    It turned out to be a bug in my own !@#$% for brains, lol.

    Closed due to this comment that for some reason is way out of order at least on my mac.
This discussion has been closed.