tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
Poledancer, I've hinted before but now I'm just gonna tell you straight up. If you want to know about coronas abilities go to thier forum. This isnot the place. We are glad to help with gamesalad but corona has a forum and that's where corona questions need to be asked.
Show some effort next time and use google or the search function, please. These questions are asked on a near daily basis.
7. csb 21 up, 32 down
cool story bro.
if you dont really care what the person is saying you say csb.
Maybe you show going over to the carona forums and stay there
By the way if you have any more questions, CSB
In my opinion it has nothing to do with game salad so shouldn't be asked here