Little help getting the viewer to run on old ipod touch

steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys.

A friend of mine was selling his old 2nd gen Ipod Touch for 40 bucks so I thought I picked it up and use it to test how smooth my apps run on older devices.

But the problem is I cant seem to be able to install the viewer. I have done the same steps I did when I installed the viewer on my iphone and ipad but this time xCode compiles the viewer correctly and I get a message saying that the viewer is running on the ipod then like 1 second later it says finishing running in the ipod but nothing is happening in the ipod.

Has anyone else encounter this problem? I'll appreciate if you guys can help me with this. I'm running Firmware 4.2.1 on the ipod touch

Thank you very much.



  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    I tried restoring the ipod, installing the newest firmware I can, Making the bundle ID again and I still get the same problem. Anyone has any ideas? Thanks a bunch
  • theCodeMonsterstheCodeMonsters Member Posts: 359
    Make sure you're on the latest version of the viewer. Then Just grab the package and drag/drop it in your iOS devices iTunes. Also know that obviously you need the proper certificates/provisions and of course a Apple developer account. If this doesn't fix it then I have no clue what will.
  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    I already tried everything and I get the same results. Xcode tells me GS viewer is running on the ipod and then after 2 seconds it says finishing running and nothing happens in he ipod. Can anyone help me? I tried everything
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    What is your deployment target set to?
  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    Hey uptimistik

    I'm Using Xcode 4.2 the same one I used to install the viewer on my ipad and iphone

    Hey rob

    it is set to iOS 4.2 which is the one that is currently running on the ipod.

    Thanks guys any help its appreciated.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Under Summary - Devices - take it off universal and try a low deployment target eg 3.0. That pod was built a long time ago and the logic may seem weak but its worth a try and doesn't take a second.
  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    Rob2 said:
    Under Summary - Devices - take it off universal and try a low deployment target eg 3.0. That pod was built a long time ago and the logic may seem weak but its worth a try and doesn't take a second.

    Tried that same results.. Funny thing is that I dont get any errors.. Xcode tells me that the viewer is running on the device then it tells me finished running.. this never happened before
  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    Finally got it running It was a problem with the Architecture. I had it set to ARMv7 and this ipod is ARMv6.

    Thanks for your help.

    ps: everyone should really test their apps on olver devices. I just found out that my game which is full of retina graphics and animation does not run well on older devices. Even thou it runs perfect on iphone 3gs and 4. looks like this is going to be an arm7 only game.
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