Animating an actor

jbrown2177jbrown2177 Member Posts: 66
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a bit of a dilemma with what i'm trying to do. I have an actor in which once it makes contact with another actor I want it to animate itself like it's being destroyed. However, when it touches that actor it performs the animation, but continues to drop as I have the main actor accelerating downward emulating gravity. So my explosion happens, but it it also drops and accelerates down. How do I stop my animation from continuing the acceleration of my main actor?


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I have always found booleans the best way for animation, some prefer integers but they don't really work for complex animations.


  • okkleokkle Member Posts: 32
    Have you tried un-ticking the 'movable' attribute for the explosion actor?

    Or if you have the acceleration of the initial actor controlled by a boolean attribute, set that to false whenever the condition that cause the explosion are active.
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