Simple Jump
I am making a mario style sidescroller and I have made a button for the player to jump but he just keeps going up until let go of the button. I just want the player to have limited jump time so he goes up for a second and comes down ( smoothly if possible).
If you have more questions, ask. My templates below might be of help to you.
One Touch Ninja Platformer Template
Red Bouncing Ball Template
Basically, you need an attribute on your actor, let's call it "Grounded".
Whenever your actor collides with a ground object and his Self.Motion.Linear.Y = 0, he has landed so set Grounded to true.
Then when you press your jump key, if Grounded = true, and his Self.Motion.Linear.Y is still 0, you can jump - so set Self.Motion.Linear.Y to something like 200 to 400 and set Grounded to false.
Then either have a constant downward accelerate as jb15 suggests, or set the Gravity attribute of the Scene.